Raw goat's milk RAVE

Having ulcertive colitis this is very interesting subject and I have done much research on this.

I'm currently in the process of buying a cow share so I can get raw milk. Raw milk is illegal in my state but if you own the cow you can drink your own milk.

Here is where you can find raw milk

Here is some interesting info about


"Pasteurizing milk not only kills potential disease-causing bacteria, it also wipes out all the beneficial bacteria, and destroys enzymes, diminishes vitamins, denatures fragile milk proteins, destroys vitamin B12 and vitamin B6, and, yes, promotes pathogens. It can, and frequently does, also cause allergies and other autoimmune dysfunction.

From a health perspective, there’s simply no rational justification to ever drink pasteurized milk, even organic pasteurized milk.

Raw milk, in contrast has numerous health benefits, as it:

Still contains all of the valuable enzymes that are destroyed during pasteurization. Without them, milk is very difficult to digest. So if you have a lactose intolerance, it will simply disappear once you start consuming raw dairy products.
Is an outstanding source of healthy, “good” bacteria and micronutrients, including lactobacillus, acidophilus, and vitamins, which are virtually eliminated by the pasteurization process of commercial milk. It is an outstanding nutrient to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your intestine.
Still contains natural butterfat, which is homogenized or removed in commercial milk. Without butterfat, your body cannot absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals in the water fraction of the milk. Butterfat is also your best source of preformed vitamin A, and contains re-arranged acids with strong anti-carcinogenic properties.
Does not contain synthetic vitamin D, which is known to be toxic to the liver, yet is still added to most commercial milk.
Contains healthy unoxidized cholesterol. "

Interesting info in here too.
Heating the milk to make yogurt is not the same as pasturizing it. You have to get the milk to a certain temp and hold it there for a lot longer. My state has lovely rules against selling raw or pasturized milk. There are two states around us who will let you sell. I keep telling people who want to buy from me to call their representatives. They might listen to consumers, they won't listen to us. As far as after taste, what are you feeding the goat?
hey Blooming chicks,

you should probably NOT have an aftertaste... scroll up/page back in this thread. Miss P said that if you heat the milk it might be a little 'goaty' (which may explain why my coffee tasted funny when i put the milk in it).... or you might have problems with what they are eating????? of if your milking equipment isnt superduper clean??

Chirpy is also very knowledgeable about these things.. you should check with her.

my experience is that our goat milk is extremely fresh and clean tasting - like the best cows milk you've ever had. i credit the goats entirely. and really good alfalfa hay.
SOUTHERN BELLE ; Start with one !! Just be sure it has large teats and is a proven easy milker !! , not one who has to have her leg's tied !!! pay a little more for a proven one that is bred , You will ask yourself why you never had one before ? Note: there is more Goat's milk consumed world wide than Cow's . If you wish you can E-mail me ..... [email protected] , ALAN B .
Ain't Wyoming great?
The goatie taste can have to do with feed, type of goat (yes, I know people will disagree here, but I think Nigi's give the best milk!! LOL) and how it was processed. There is one other factor that I think does play a part. I can't taste anything goatie about our milk, but there are those who say they can (my daughter) I believe our taste buds affect what we perceive as goatie. Some people will swear they taste it even if we are drinking from the same glass and I don't. Its still a great and yummy, better version of milk than anything you can get from the store, hands down!!
does the fresh goats milk taste like the powdered kind? you know have that funny taste to it? I cant describe it but like goats cheese and stuff there is a different taste I cant get myself to like it and have assumed that it would still have that taste when fresh? I wish I liked it then i would get some mini goats lol as it is I am still trying to figure out how to get a mini cow lol
I find that putting honey and vanilla extract in goat's milk makes it taste delicious and helps a lot with the goat smell taste. In fact that way I LOVE drinking goat's milk!

Making yogurt with it is delicious too!

PS Honey also kills bacteria, has antimicrobial activity and treats infections and yeast infections by the way! So that is a good technique all around for safe goat milk drinking without risk of bacteria.
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