Raw Milk

You must mean "serving spoon" and this makes perfect sense!


Yes, I meant serving spoon
I grew up drinking a couple gallons of fresh milk every week .we never seemed to get sick. I shure miss dipping that cream off the top & putting it on fresh bread with a little salt!! YUMMMmmmm
I personally cant wait for my cow to freshen and she is due anytime. Fresh is better than store bought anyday and my neighbors are waiting also and she is a Jersey and will make plenty of milk. I thinkit takes longer for it to sour and also how its put up too and what is fed to the cows too. Goats milk is the same way and it has to be chilled fast ...the faster the better in both types of milk and to pasturie it for younger you get it to 160 for 20 minutes and turn off and let cool. I use a double boiler for the grandkids that are under the age of 2 as to prevent anything...not taking any chances with them..but us we just drink it...also makes the best butter too.
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Nice to know there are others out there. I am one of those folks that can't drink milk from a store. Lactose problems since birth. It was my grandmother that had my mother change to fresh raw farm milk. Never had an issue with raw milk or dairy to this day.

Realmilk site is a good basic source but the list is far from complete in listing cowshares and raw supply. For info on how cowshares etc work check my website. We also have a source list of many not published on the web.

If the milk you are getting has an off taste in just a few days there has to be a problem. 10 - 12 days in the fridge before any souring starts to occur is more common.
I love raw milk and it tasted good. The off taste would be some odors off on onions or leftover chili can make it go ick. Neverthanless, it still be good and use it for baking or making some pancakes.

I used to get raw milk out of my goats and a long time neighbor had raw milk out of her own cow and gave them away for free. We just pay donations for her time for milking the cow and help her out with feed expenses.

Nothing wrong with drinking raw milk as long you are playing it safe and not letting the milk setting out on the counter. Drink up!
I grew up on raw milk. oh how I long for it. I didn't know you could still get it. I will have to check that list to see if there are any farms around me selling it. I remember the cream would be 2 inches on the top of the milk, and you would have to shake it up before you poured a glass,and the butter was awesome, we would use a canning jar and take turns shaking it, then smear it on saltine crackers mmmmmm.
When my goats are milking we get a lot of milk. It forced me to figure out how to do alot of things with it. Fresh strained milk my kids drink. At first I was a little worried and pasturized the milk. I found that pasturizing will leave a goaty after taste while raw it is sweet and perfect. Everything must be kept clean that comes in contact with fresh milk. The milk proteins attatch to everything and if you use it again without proper cleaning and handling the milk will taste off. When handled well the milk will keep in my fridge for at least a week or more but it never stays around that long. My kids can drink a gallon a day plus making cheese, yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk etc it uses up and disappears quick - though there are times when we are drowing in milk and there is enough things to do with it -hence I started making goat milk soap. LOL

If you have fresh raw milk and it goes bad quickly it can be attributed to improper handling and contamination. It doesn't take but once or twice and you figure out it is better to buy the dairy soap and scrubbers and to use stainless steel and glass if you want the best milk.

In Virginia there are restrictions that you can't buy raw milk for human consumption. People get arond it by 'leasing' you a goat for a day or selling you a share of a cow/goat.

The gov't has gotten their fingers too deep in the dairy industry and we are beginning to loose artesan cheese makers and family dairy farm stores. Alot of the cheese making cannot be done properly because of the food regulations and cheese houses unable to allow certain cheeses to naturally 'mold'. There are so many rules and regulations and hoops to have to jump through most dairy farmers can't afford the costs of keeping up with it all. And that is a real shame.
Raw milk is all my mom buys ( being a health freak) except occasionally. Its $5 a gallon where we buy it. And its so much better for you because during pasturization all the good enzymes are killed.

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