Rcom Suro King Incubator official thread ***HIGH ALERT***see post 93

My water feeder tube is nestled in the fold of the sponge pad, but it's more toward the end of the pad than the middle. Seems to work fine. I didn't wet the pad before incubating.

For me, the size of the pad did make a difference. My first incubation was duck eggs at 55% humidity for Days 1-25. The small pad was positively soaked, but still couldn't get the humidity to 55%. Put in the big pad, and had absolutely no problems after that. Since then, I've just used the big pad, with no humidity issues at all.
Thanks for all your help, I set it last night with great steady temp./ humidity results. I don't know if I'll like my R-Com or Suro better. R-Com seems to be easier to use and on the dot w/ hatches, I always almost get 100% hatches which is great because I'm hatching out Coronation and Light Sussex eggs. Don't want to chance loosing any of those babies
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I think you'll do great with the Suro, too. I'm a newbie hatcher, and my first hatch in the Suro was 15 out of 17 duck eggs. Clean hatch, and healthy, sturdy ducklings. I suspect you'll be equally pleased.

Good luck!

I'm long over due for a update on how my Rcom King Suro did on my first batch of hatching eggs. I set this on April 7th and stop turning on the 25th.
Humidity was set at 55 and temp at 99.5, which held rock solid on the King Suro. I didn't have to do anything except stop the turner. LOL, wow. It was that easy. I refilled my water bottle one time, but was just amazed at how much water it did use. I'm so glad for the automatic water... Since I am gone most of the days, but yeah...it was set it and forget it.

Day 1 April 7th


Fast forward in time:

Day 25th-27th

WOW hatch day, I stopped turner, and heard lots of peeps (FYI) I never candled the eggs, lol. So on the first 24 to 26 hour, 4 hatched out of incubator. (this entire time that I was incubating these eggs, I was looking for some local duck eggs, and I got about 14-15 Muscovy eggs that I needed to set on the 28th of April) SOOooo...sadly I took the risk and had the "ghetto" rig something to hopefully hatch the rest of my RIR chicks... Hopefully they hatched...as you can see, I found a plastic egg container, put some shot glasses with water in there, and a lamp.


Day 28th to 29th

Day 28th I put in my Muscovy eggs, and at the same time hoped the other chicks would hatch...and they did! 5 hatched out---and on day 29 I was surprised to find that two more hatched out... That was just amazing... I couldn't believe it, all I had used was a plastic egg container, shot glasses with warm water, and a heat lamp. No reading temp or nothing... 11 out of 12 hatched.


Here are my Muscovy set in the background,

Humidity set at around 68-70, and temp at 99.5.



Well since I'm at it...today at May 4, I set 11 Khaki Campbell, I over stuffed the King Suro with 3 more eggs, 1 dropped, that's why I got 11 in there only. Here they are, all over stuffed in there...


Well, I heard incubating Muscovy duck eggs in a incubator was one of the hardest to hatch, didn't find out about that till after I got these eggs...So lets see how the King Suro Does?

Heard I need humidity at 55 for duck eggs...I can't really turn it down since I have my Muscovy in there, sooooo for now 65 Humidity will have to do...

Well I did searching and researching around, and no one has done this that I can see, so heck, I thought I might just go for it.

I have fertile Coturnix quail birds laying now..I thought I would time it all so I would throw some of that in too.

Lets see what happens.....
King Suro20 Incubator Update:

Lockdown was Saturday, May 29 at 9pm.

Here goes my experiment..So instead of leaving Temp at 99.5, I turned it up to 99.9 and humidity is around 74-76.

Temp. 99.5 Hum: 65 Date of incubation: (Never sprayed eggs, just Set Incubator and forget about it till lockdown to remove egg turner)
Muscovy: April 28, 2010 at 9pm
Khaki Campbell: May 5, 2010 at 9pm
Quails : May 14, 2010 at 9 pm

Temp. 99.9 Hum: 74-76 Lock Down:
Muscovy: Day 32
Khaki Campbell: Day 26
Quails: Day 14


One of the Khaki Campbell’s hatched out early on Sunday morning, and then a second one on the afternoon. 6 Quails hatched during this entire day.


June 1, 2010
Duck eggs are have cracks in them, Muscovy’s still waiting to hatch. Now I have Eight Quails. Can’t believe the Quails hatched….


I’m at work now, and so many of them are starting to break their shells…ahhh the agony! Can’t wait for a Muscovy Duckling.
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I am completely pleased with mine...BUT...I do have the problem with the power cord coming loose. I've now used a narrow piece of duct tape and done a Y around the cord and taped it to the lid to keep it nice and tight.

I've had several great hatches and have 18 out of 24 shipped (from Washington state to Florida) silkie eggs in it right now. Several have loose aircells, so they may not make it to hatch, but I am VERY pleased so far.

On shipped eggs, I don't plug in the turning cradle for the first three days...just let them incubate without turning to the aircell can become firmly settled. Then I turned between days 4 and 16...then take it off the the turning cradle for the remaining time. Research shows that the most important time to turn is day 4-8.
Well, now that more are hatching out, I’m starting to get confused between which are Muscovy/ Khaki Campbell, I’m proud of the hatch so far, considering it was my first time hatching ducks, plus quails together, plus using eggs that were not 100% guaranteed fertile to hatch duck eggs, plus the fact that Muscovy’s are supposedly hard to hatch:

Since Saturday 9 pm was lock down: 32 day Muscovy, 26 KC, 14 Quails

Out of about 14 Quail eggs put in with this hatch, 10 have hatched out so far.

Tuesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday, June 3, 2010:

I’m very excited that I have 1 white Muscovy.

There are about 11 duck eggs still in the King Suro left, and would make today day 37 Muscovy, and Day 30 for KC…some eggs are cracked, and still waiting…so hatch is still going good. Just need to wait a couple more days, hopefully more hatch?


Here is a video of them going outside and enjoying the pond. Enjoy.

new mighty ducklings: http://blog.phillipconover.com/?p=182
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