Re: 4 Turkeys just hatched......


11 Years
Mar 22, 2008
Folkston, Georgia
Ok guys/gals these are my first baby turkeys there is supposed to be two bourbon red and two bronze and I got extras of course. So...they all came out at the same time . I have one egg left that hasn't pipped yet, the due date wasnt' until tomorrow anyway. Three of the newborns are sort of a light brown and one is black? Or at least thats what they look like right out of the shell. Tehe! So which color is the bourbon reds?
Thats great. I just hatched my first turkeys also. 18 to be exact. I was worried about getting them to eat. I had heard many stories about how hard they are to get started. I put a little water in with the crumbles and they LOVE it.
Bourbon reds are light yellow with red heads. Some of the pics I have show a red collor on the back of the neck. Conjrats on the babies.
Thanks Farmgirl. So far I got 3 bourbon reds, and one bronze (I believe). I'm hoping the last one hatches. Still waiting. Tehe! Good luck with yours. Seems like you have a crowd. Tehe! Thanks again for the info
Hey Farmgirl, I would get some pics of the turkeys posted if I knew how. I have been trying and trying. I even read the instructions on how to post pics. I have some on photobucket but how do you get the complete URL for the picture?

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