Re-Coop -- A Noob's guide to (trying) to build a "chicken mansion" on a budget

Alright, so had a couple hours to work yestserday. Got a few pieces cut to fit the 'triangle' of the roof, I finished and hung the poop board, and got the coop moved to its new home
“Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it”

Well, “Every pile of wood has a coop inside of it, it is up to ME to figure out how the heck it all goes together”

LOVE, this quote. Keep on sculpting dude, it looks amazing!
Alright, so it was a productive weekend, sort of. My girls are starting for force my hand a bit. They have decided that MY yard just isn't good enough for them anymore...

They're are getting a little too brave for my soon as I let them out they run way up in the back of my neighbor's yard, which is EXTREMELY overgrown, and a little "wild". When they get into the really tall stuff, I can't see them anymore, and I KNOW neighborhood cats like to hunt in that area (apparently so do neighborhood chickens!!!) I'm not too worried about the girls are bigger than all the cats I've seen in the neighborhood, but I am worried about foxes up in there (I do understand that if there is a fox there, that it probably wouldn't have much of an issue coming the few hundred feet into my yard, but I still feel better KNOWING they're in my yard).

So, rather than working on the coop, I threw together a "tractor" in a few hours with a bunch of scraps I found/picked up from the local Re-Store.....all in all, it ran me about $14 (its 6x8), plenty of space to contain the girls when I can't be outside watching them the entire time. It'll work for now (until I can make them their fenced area .....Just need to attach the door (have a few hinges and a gate latch (from ReStore) and then nail the rest of the 2"x4"wire to it. I call it my P.C.F -- Poultry Containment Facility

It is supposed to be REALLY nice this week (mid to high 60s), so I'll be able to get a good chunk more done on this coop Tuesday AM and Thursday AM...provided the higher powers aren't still angry with me! Last Thursday was PERFECT to work on it, but the starter in my truck died....I took it to the shop Wednesday AM, and it wasn't done until Friday afternoon. So rather than the couple hours I would have had to work on the coop, I rode into work with my wife and sat in my office dreaming of a better day where my chicken mansion was complete.......
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Marking my spot. Getting my hubby to make me a chicken and duck coop. And this looks FABULOUS
Finished my P.C.F today.....right before I had to leave for work...well actually AFTER I should have left for work. Made it to my class with 3 minutes to spare....
With one of the girls in it (with a pile of goodies to dig though.......the other one isn't too keen on least not yet

Finally some progress....

I know that many of you probably have been thinking that this coop would never get done -- don't worry my wife feels the same way.....

I had a couple hours before work yesterday that I could crank out some work on the coop.....Not a lot of progress, but it's getting there.
I ripped apart a few pallets, and I have been using then for the top "triangle" of the roof. You can see a few of them attached in the photo (I still have some gaps to fill...but I realized I was going to be late for work if I finished it up).....I just ripped one of them (the top board you see) to fit between the "two peaks", then just cut each the next board down to fit with the first (if that makes sense....I apologize now, I didn't get much sleep last night, and I'm less then half way into my first cup of coffee...) I think I'll leave the top portion of the roof open (windows still have to go in the north face, but I'll leave the sides "open" for ventilation up top.

Now, I do have a questions for everyone....if anyone still is reading all of the posts.....It is apparent to me that there is a fine line I need to walk....What is the difference between well ventilated and drafty? How much ventilation is too much?

I was going to leave the eves of the roof open (just put some hardware cloth up there (its about a 2' gap the length of the coop front and back) as well as the small triangles up top on the roof. The windows will have the capability to open for the summer, but I want to make sure on windy winter nights that my girls aren't going to have issues. (I'm keeping ALL of the ventilation ABOVE the roost. I am also making sure the windows, and doors will shut tight, minimal gaps so no drafts get in....

I also used some of the pallet to make a pop door for the girls. It isn't hooked up yet, but it does slide without getting hung up, it is also supported from behind with some 2x3s and 3" deck screws....NOTHING is going to push that door in (or break is more sturdy than the door to my house)

The "back" panel of wood is on as well....I still need to cut a large piece out of it for an access door to clean the poop shelf and change out their food/water/bedding.

Once all the siding is up (hopefully tomorrow), I will stain it all with some exterior deck stain (grey) I got at the Re-Store for $5

SIDE NOTE: I have been borrowing family/friend's tools for some of the work... If you decide to build a coop, make sure you use WIRELESS tools...they are soooo much easier!!! I was using my brother's screw gun...much easier, then my friend's impact drive.....Wow....I think I'm in love!
In building this coop, I've been slowly making by Christmas List hahahaha....and an IMPACT DRIVER is DEFINATELY on it!!!
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