Re-homing adult geese


7 Years
Jul 4, 2012
Hi! We have a friendly pair of American Buff geese that we acquired recently. How long does it take before we can safely let them out of then pen area to free-range? We're also looking at possibly extending their pen, but the extension would be four foot wall...will they fly over it - will two new ones we are considering getting fly over it? Any information/help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
My Toulouse flew over 4' so make it higher than 4' Once they get some weight on them they won't be able to go over.
Thank you Miss Lydia! Since they are already adults, do you think they would already have enough weight on them?
Is your free range area fenced if so you might give it a try geese herd well just walk slowly behind using your arms or poles to direct them where you want them to go. My Buff was pretty bottom heavy not over weight but I don’t think she could have flown over a 4’ fence my Toulouse female is small and much lighter . So probably they won’t be able to fly over. If you’ve had them a week or more and have feed them inside their pen they should be okay but stay with them at first to make sure . Buff are lovely geese post some pics when you can

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