Re-homing roo: how much will it upset my girls?

Wow, thanks SO MUCH for the feedback, I'm so relieved!! I'm sure the stress levels will go down considerably around here shortly. I just got an email from his next owner, they are coming out this weekend to get him and plan to breed him in the spring. Sounds like a great home, they free range their birds and it's all country out there. Very nice. They are happy to have him.

I know I'm making the right decision now. Thanks for the help!
No, he's not abusive, he's just overmating his favorite. He's nice to the hens, he's never bullied any of them at all. They all get along great, just the one hen, which was his hatch mate, gets too much attention.
Quick update:

My roo is on his way to his new home! We found an excellent place for him on a farm quite a few miles south of here. He'll have land and hens galore, lol.

I'll miss him, though. He's such a pretty boy. My hens will be happy, though.

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