Looking for some advise on turning the eggs that I have collected from my gorgeous Rhode Island Red hens. Today is the first bunch that I have collected and I plan on storing them until Wednesday when we put them in the bator. I have read several articles on turning the eggs during this storage period. Wow, so many different opinions. Here is what I am doing, anyone see any problems??
I have placed the eggs in an egg carton, little end down. I have closed the carton and elevated one end of the carton around 3-4 inches. Then later in the day I elevate the other side. Is this sufficient, or should I physically pick the egg up and turn it. I am somewhat confused on how to turn the egg if I need to pick it up and turn it. Do I twist it or flip it over.
C'mon BYC'ers, help a fellow chicken'r out here with some solid advise.
I have placed the eggs in an egg carton, little end down. I have closed the carton and elevated one end of the carton around 3-4 inches. Then later in the day I elevate the other side. Is this sufficient, or should I physically pick the egg up and turn it. I am somewhat confused on how to turn the egg if I need to pick it up and turn it. Do I twist it or flip it over.
C'mon BYC'ers, help a fellow chicken'r out here with some solid advise.