Really cool coops with runs in SW MO


12 Years
Jun 4, 2007
Central Arkansas
We went to Buffalo Missouri this weekend to meet a friend and there was a farm store on Hwy 65 before you get to Buffalo that had the coolest coops and runs. I wish I had my camera. They were very portable. They were framed with 2x4's then covered with red sheet metal. I asked the size of the largest one and it was $1250. But if anyone in that area might want to look at them and probably could build one themselves.

I just thought I would let you know.

yes i live in buffalo and u probally went to hostetlers they have some of the best coops around pre built that is
can you post some pics next time you go by?
Yes, Chicknshow that was the place. If you were around town Friday you probably saw my van driving around. We drove around and around the town.

I wish I did have a camera with me so dh could build one. And DD dropped my phone in the ice chest.

well today we had a f1 tornadeo go right through the middle of town fortuately no one was hurt seriously i will try to get pics as soon as everything is cleaned up
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so sorry about the storm damage. we spent about an hour in the cooler at work because of them here in Carthage. No damage to us but Neosho had damage. take care

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