really FAT chick


11 Years
Apr 17, 2010
North Alabama
I just had 3 Sussex eggs hatch over the weekend, and one of the chicks is really fat. She was in the biggest egg of the batch, and she was so big that it took her almost 2 days to be able to hoist her big butt up off the floor.
She was just waddling till today when she can finally stand all the way up. Do you think she is deformed, or just a big chick? Her legs seems spaced wide apart, but they go straight down, so I don't think she is spraddle-legged. They hatched Saturday night/ Sunday morning. Is this normal for one to be that much bigger than the others at hatching.




As long as its acting fine now it should be ok. Hope it grows up to be a big happy hen
or roo...
I couldn't stop laughing at the image in my head of her eating her twin!
I'm going to have to watch her around the other chicks in case she gets hungry again!!

She is a really sweet thing, too! I was going to leg band them to tell the two Light Sussex appart, but I really don't think that is going to be neccessary.
I had one hatch out like that. He was half Buff Oprington, which I guess is what gave him the look. It was mostly all fuzz though.
And he stayed that way, coz he was THE ABSOLUTELY SLOWEST feathering chick from the whole group! LOL
This chunky chick is fuzzy, but no more so than the other two hatch-mates. I can't wait to see how she feathers out and matures in general. They are Sussex from Paul Bradshaw's line and his birds are huge, so I wonder if this one will be a monster!

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