Really mean chicken

Are you totally removing the old coop and run or using it for other stuff? I once switched coops with some hens, they kept wanting to go back, it took about a month or two before they gave up. Hopefully yours will like the new one enough not to want to go back, but they are creatures of habit.

I'm enjoying the thought of you wearing goggles. I probably would too after that. I don't like being pecked by anything either.
I was thinking of totally removing it but may use the kennel for part of the new ru or may sell it. I figure the current coop is rather useless. Although I may save it in case we have to separate a chicken or get more chicks eventually. But either way we will definitely at least be moving it. It's pretty gross but may make good fertilizer lol

And oh yes!! It looks rather ridiculous! LOL I hate being pecked but the Australorps have an especially hard peck. But I've been watching them from the window upstairs and being with them and today one of them was just like aimlessly wandering about. Others were eating and drinking and she would sometimes go stand next to or behind them but she never jumped anyone. Now maybe that wasn't the mean one but still. But she never jumped anyone when I was watching and she's very chatty and talkative. And I realized she's a big clueless dummy who means no harm lol and I'm really glad you came in when you did and told me not to cull her because others had told me to, that she lacked proper social skills and would pass it on (I don't have a roo though) or that she wouldn't stop attacking me, etc. I do think she probably doesn't have the greatest social skills and that she does need to learn how to respect me and her flockmates but I am going to give her another chance. I am sure she does lack social skills and I still respect their opinions but I am also definitely glad that I didn't do it. Plus these are my first chickens and pets. People with more chickens or who have had them for longer, have a business, etc. Can't keep hens that aren't producing or that are mean or aggressive towards humans or their flockmates and have to choose the best of the best and I 100% get that but I have the time and am willing to give her more space and work with her. I was initially upset about it and almost set on culling and when others said that, I was prepared to the next day. But I think part of it was that I thought it was my only option, especially when I made the situation sound as bad as I did and people said there was no hope for her. I think I was just upset and overstated things because now, a few days later, I am much calmer, and realizing she is not as bad as I had thought.

Now, tonight I put them to bed way late and woke them up (9:30) so they rearranged themselves on the roosts but I witnessed an Australorp then the Barred Rock peck an Easter Egger on the head so I touched their butts and saod hey cut it out then shut the door and put the flashlight away so they couldn't do it. First time I've seen them be mean to each other on the roosts and in that moment I realized why the roosts have to be at least a foot apart from each other.
This thread was very interesting to me because we have two black australorps, and I've noticed some similar things. Our flock are all nearly 14 months old now and are usually very sociable and easy going with each other. But when someone does gets pecked or chased, it's almost always one of the australorps doing it. Neither of them is the head hen, but they are the two I most often see bullying one of the others--usually one of the buffs or the shy RIR who's at the very bottom of the pecking order.

I've noticed that they peck particularly hard too! Actually, it's more like they are very clumsy peckers--I can feed the others scratch out of my hand and they peck so delicately at it that I hardly feel it. The one of the australorps shows up and basically slams her beak into my hand. Seems like it may just be in their nature to have kind of big, pushy personalities.

They are very pretty though--I love how the sun brings out the green sheen in their feathers. And they've been very good layers. All in all, I enjoy having them in the flock, although I have to admit they're not my favorites because of their occasional bad behavior.

Your new coop is looking good! I would agree with all the others here that having bigger accommodations may help relieve some of the issues. Having enough space in the run for them to get away from each other when needed is important for keeping the peace.
Good luck with everything. I think your naughty girl deserves a chance for sure!

Our flock is about 1 year old and just recently 1-2 of our black sex links have become bullies. From what we have observed, typically one of them attacks another hen and the second will join in. Sadly, the two being picked on are our buff orpingtons, which are the friendliest, calmest birds we have. They just don't fight back at all and they are starting to shy away from the flock because of this.

I am thinking to remove both BSLs from the flock for a few days and see if that will calm them down.
We are new to raising chickens, so I wasn't sure if these behaviors were breed or bird specific.

From our own flock observations....
BSLs are more aggressive
Buff Orpingtons are the calmest & friendliest
Barred Rocks are very neutral, good chickens
RIR are very good and very loud! LOL

That's another funny thing. One of our "top hens" is a RIR. She is clearly a boss, but never picks on anyone, but #2 and #3 in command are BSLs and they always pick on our two weakest.

I can't say for sure if it's the specific breeds, birds, or what, but that's what we have noticed from our own flock.
Thanks everyone! I'm sure hoping all the space helps them.

And it's definitely interesting to hear other people have similar experiences.

I wonder if some of the stuff is Australorp specific because my girls do the same exact thing @olivigus said with them slamming their beak into my hand. I never thought of it like that before but that is exactly what they do. The others are gentle but the Australorps slam their beaks or peck between my fingers and miss the food. And I feel bad because sometimes I used to chase them away. I never did it often but I did a couple times as little babies and then maybe once or twice after they moved out becausebecause first it hurt but also I thoughr they were intentionally being mean and that I'd teach them not to but kow I realize I really don't think they meant to. I just need to figure out a compromise lol

I agree though, they are beautiful, but same here, my Barred Rock, May, or Easter Egger, Diva, are probably my two favorites. I love Bunny, my other Easter Egger, but she's pretty shy. Diva will come up on the roof and watch me. My Orps are friendly but I can't tell them apart lol

And thank you!!!! Got walls and a roof up now, just need to add doors, shingle the roof, and clapboard the sides. And add roosts.

SCO, that's interesting about your sex links and especially since they're so much older and still doing it.

I think separating will help. I am going to separate my Australorps is the new coop doesn't help.

Oddly enough, I have noticed the same things that you have in your flock. We don't have RIRs or Sex links, but instead EEs and Australorps, but other than that, same breeds. I have found our Buff Orpingtons to be the calmest and friendliest too. My Barred Rock is very personable and loves to listen to me talk or fly on the roof and watch me but I can't hold her. Same for my one Easter Egger. My other EE wants to be friendly and interact but is flighty and skittish. My Australorps love to talk back to me but are probably the least friendly in terms of letting me pet or hold them. But I wonder if part of that is because I,always assume they're being bad.

I believe my EEs are at the top of the order but my Barred Rock might be. Sometimes the Orpingtons and EEs fight, especially before they started laying, but it was nothing more than wing flaps. I'm glad they stand up for themselves. They run from the Australorps though. They don't seem to be scared normally though or avoid them or anything, only when they bully them. When they would go out I noticed my Barred Rock would sometimes lead them around the yard or be the first to run up to me, which the others then follow, which is why I think she may be higher in the order. I noticed the same though, whoever the top hen is, she does not bully the others. Only the Australorps and I'm not even sure if it's both, could be one. But my theory is they are lower or middle of the order and pick on whoever they can get away with picking on. The top hens are already top so don't need to fight or bully to maintain their position.

@oldhenlikesdogs lately I jist take care of them and come back in so I,guess they're less like pets but I do like watching them from the window and am going to spend more time with them with the new coop and run. Sometimes I hold them. They follow me around the yard when theu are out lol and they climb over each other on the roosts every night but this was weird, they were all justjust sitting there and pecked her head for no reason. Maybe they were cranky cause i woke them up lol
Wow, he sounds like a very bad boy!! I'm not even sure I would have given him that many chances. That's good he protects his ladies though but definitely wouldn't be staying here long, too many nice roos. Hopefully your new roo is better!!
Yes it is the teen hormones!! I also had a Hen that was my favorite. Every time I gave another hen attention she would come over and peak the hen real hard! I didn't know why she who do that and then I realized she was jealous! LOL!
Yes it is the teen hormones!! I also had a Hen that was my favorite. Every time I gave another hen attention she would come over and peak the hen real hard! I didn't know why she who do that and then I realized she was jealous! LOL!

That makes a lot of sense! She could definitely be jealous especially since I pay a lot of attention to the Orps and not so much them because I used to think they were mean so I was kinda mean back but now I'm nicer and talk to them every day and stuff. The weird thing though was I thought maybe she was jealous so I tried holding one and she barely stayed and flew off my lap. Then, thinking maybe I had grabbed the wrong one, i grabbed another, and she stayed very briefly and flew off. So then I was kinda annoyed and asked them, well if you didn't wanna be held then why did you peck her? LOL

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