Really now?


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Russell County
I just went through to look at feedback...

People would SCAM other people?

Heck, I don't know how anyone could come on here and steal money... you only what? Make a couple bucks off people (who let me tell ya, from NICE people)!
It irked me that people would lie!

And then I'm a little weirded out by people who have bad hatch rates. I've had 0% up to only 20% hatch rates, but thats' the price of purchasing shipped eggs. lol People need to understand that!

I know I go through a LOT of trouble to make my customer's happy (but I treat them how I want to be treated!). Whether it be sitting there and spending hours packing their eggs, shipping out free/extra eggs or refunding them if something in the PO goes wrong and writing them cards (and misplacing them, sorry guys!!
). Of course we have our quirks once in awhile, but I know if I take care of the customers, they'll take care of me!

Iono, I guess I want to give a shout out to everyone who goes above and beyond to make it the best experience to ship out eggs and tries to work around customers!
If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be able to help pay for feed lol I get more enjoyment out of wrapping up eggs though and shippin' 'em out.
Yup, it has happened.

People have even made up fake identities and led other people on here.

Anything can happen on the Internet, which is why we encourage all our members to use the BYC auction system when buying and selling on BYC because it's connected with our feedback system. You can let others know what happened if something goes wrong, and then the Staff has a record to look at when deciding if a member is really a thief or a fraud.

It's also why we discourage solicitations for charity... Unfortunately, all it takes is one "bad egg" (fraudster), and the good people here would be out a lot of money.
What do you mean a charity organization?

The thing is, most feedback is good, but I thought it stated somewhere you cannot post bad feedback?

iono it just makes me mad.

I mean, you make tops $100! I mean, that's not enough these days to do much with lol Sigh

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