Really?!?! people get hurt BOXING?!?!(isn't that the point?)

seismic wonder2

I got mad ninja skills
12 Years
Feb 3, 2007
san diego ca

I'm so frustrated. People are stupid and we let them live.

My basic plan this morning was to get up a little early, drive to the naval base, go to the Gym and get in a little time boxing on the heavy bag.
It started OK because I only live 9.5 minutes away and at 0500 there were NO cars on the freeway.

The Coronado bridge was backed up FULL SPAN onto the freeway. (Gee, I found the cars...) Unless I wanted to drive almost 30 miles out of my way it's my only access.

I FINALLY get near the base and the stupid guard gate that is only 200 feet from the gym is closed for the holidays. yipee.
Now I have to get in line with all the other boneheads that didn't get the memo about the gate closure, (put it in park, turned it off, turned off my lights, tried to meditate on NOT killing the moron behind me with his birght lights on)

After about 9 minutes the goob that's directing traffic finally lets us get a turn at getting in the gate and (naturally) I am behind the guy that has NEVER been on the base before and has to ask for written directions to somewhere.

I finally get through the gate make a quick right and make a "B" line for the gym and what do I find....NO PARKING signs EVERYWHERE! they are doing road construction and all but a few parking spots (that are taken by the way) are filled with road equipment....

OK then, there are three other gyms on Coronado, No problem...........Now I'm driving all over the base trying to find a gym with a heavy bag in morning rush hour traffic....

"Slight problem. " I find out that the other gyms don't have a punching bag. I asked a lady at the front desk why there's only one punching bag on base. It seems that Morale Welfare and Recreation (MWR) in their infinate wisdom removed all the punching bags except one. Why????? "BECAUSE PEOPLE HIT THEM..."

"Isn't that the point?!?!" I asked... She said, "people hit them and they hit each other, either way, somebody geths hurt."


"It's too violent for the Navy to encourage." She said...

"Lady, for the last three years I've tried out for the Navy Boxing Team, Don't give me that Jazz, It's been a long day and it's only 0630"

She replied "We have a Boxing Team?"

I should have joined the air force.

After a day like that, I would consider buying my own punching bag! Do you have room for one? This world is getting strange.......
Look on the bright side, you didn't have to drive through SNOW to get there!
(ask if they took all the guns away as well, cause people shoot each other you know! !! )
great idea, my hubby has one in the basement - I'm not sure how much the heavy bag was but the stand for it was around $150.
Top it off, I was told I had to drive to Naval Medical Center Balboa to get the stupid H1N1 shot (that I DON"T need) which is about 8 miles away.
We have a perfectly good medical center RIGHT HERE ON BASE!!!

So Naturally I asked the completely stupid, idiotic and rediculous question..."Why do I have to drive 8 miles to a hospital where I will then have to drive around for an hour to find a parking spot, then stand in line for another two hours to get a shot that I don't need and that will not protect me from getting the swine flu in the first place when I have a medical center WITH THE VACCINE AVAILABLE right here on base within walking distance???"

Here's the answer..." The vaccinations we have here are for navy dependants (wife, children, etc...) and for people who are at risk for getting H1N1. You are not allowed to get the shot here you have to go to Balboa. "

I'm thinking WHAT???? Are You Freekin Kidding Me???

So I said, "Well that's great! If it's only for dependents and PEOPLE AT RISK, and I'M NOT ALLOWED TO GET VACCINATED HERE, then I must NOT be at risk and therefore do not need to be vaccinated at all. THanks for clearing that up for me have a nice life." and I left.

About an hour after that I got a call from my Commanding Officer in so many words ordering me to go get the shot. It took me three hours. On the way back I stopped in at the medical center on base...not a single person in line for the shot.
What a waste of perfectly good breathable air.
Naval Intellegence.....Forget it all, I'm going home. I feel a fever coming on from my all important H1N1 Vaccination...It may last until next Wednesday.
Its folks like that who don't allow the Gate Guards and some MP's to carry clips loaded in their sidearms. They might have to shoot their gun, and of course shooting somebody hurts them, so that's not a good thing that they encourage.

What ever happened to smokers on west pac? I thought anybody could challenge anybody and the navy allowed that. Now is the whole branch filled with twidgets and wogs?

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