Really silly question here..


8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Central IL
OK, I AM NOT hatching/incubating eggs...

BUT we are having questions from I better ask..

We have hens that lay fertile eggs; obviously I dont know which ones are fertile, which arent..
so we just err on the side of caution they all are. fast to chicks develop if I miss an egg and its being sat on for a day? with a 19-21 day
incubation period; its gotta be kinda fast right?

The temps have been way over 80 for weeks add that in on I have two broodies..
what are the chances of finding an egg with development in it..??

If I miss it for one day? two days? if I get them ALl each day and they sit on my counter we're good right?
ok I just read that thread; thanks..

BUT now I'm concerned lol..I never refrigerate my eggs...even the fertilized ones...

now that thread says I SHOULD???
I always have, only because I grew up seeing eggs in the refrigerated section of the grocery store.
I don't have any better explanation than that.... I just assumed I had to?
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You got questions, ask 'em. That's how we learn all this crazy stuff. Not everyone is on here 24/7. The eggs keep longer in the fridge.
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Well, you figure a hen can lay for a week or two straight, and then go broody after the last one, and the first egg isn't rotten by then, so perhaps they do have a good shelf life?

To refrigerate, or not to refrigerate.... that is the question~!

Good question though. I'll be watching for more input.

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