Reason #25479 why it's important to secure your heat lamp


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
SW Ohio
This morning, we were enjoying the fresh summer air with the windows open. DD2 and I smelled smoke. It seemed an odd time for someone to have a bonfire, so I made a joke, "as long as it's not our house or the coop." There is smoke coming from the coop!

The heat lamp had fallen off the wood post where it was clamped, into the plastic brooder. Thank God we were awake and noticed the smoke or it would have been very bad. Everyone seems to be ok, including the 6 Brahma chicks we had in the brooder. I thought for sure they'd be gone from the smoke. I'm still coughing it up.

I think I got the worst of it with 2nd degree burns (small ones) to the bottom of my foot from stepping on melting plastic. Ouch! Lesson #2, wear footwear when running into a burning building.

Yikes!! I worry about that every night when i turn on mine. It smells like something is burning, but I think it's the heat of the lamp with all the chicken dust on stinks!!

Glad everyone was ok!
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Great advice - I always loop the power cord of the light around the pole I'm using to hold it up in such a way so that if the clamp is knocked loose at least the power cord will catch the lamp and keep it from falling down into the shavings.

Hope your chicks continue to do well and so glad you were there to save the day!
Bummer...thank goodness you were up...seems that fear is in the back of my mind alot...its good to know noone got hurt!!
except maybe for your foot!
Agreed! I am glad your babies are alright!!

We had a heat lamp slip and lean against the main support beam of our old coop and burn a hole right through it!!

Amazingly enough everyone was fine and it never actually "caught".......

Now my heat lamp is wire tied to an inch of its life!! It's not going anywhere!!!

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