Recieved my meat birds from Ideal

ack you used the C word with meat birds
My neighbor and I have an order of 30 coming in the 2nd week of December. I'm hoping they ugly-up real quick too... this is my first experience with meaties.

I've been so worried about power outages while we have them under heat lamps. Yesterday I finally found a power failure alarm so we're all set.

If you get a chance, would you post a pic of your chicks?
Don't worry they don't stay cute. Just make sure if you name them you pick really good names, my favorites are Dumplin's, Nuggets, Patty, Fried, Soup, with Rice, with Noodles, etc.
Now we have 14. One expired while we were out to dinner. I was a bit worried about him as he always seemed to be a bit sleepy. I was just hoping he was a bit slow and not sick.

On a good note the kids did not get all tore up about it.
Don't worry they will ugly up in a week or so. My dd was upset when we got our chicks because they were so cute and was meant for the freezer. Now she calls them nasties and can't wait to process them.

They're adorable as chicks, but then they get big, eat constantly and their poo smells awful. By the time we had our meaties from Ideal processed I couldn't wait to see them in my freezer. I was changing their litter every fews days because they pooped so much!! Enjoy those first few cute chicky days.


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