Recommend a Rooster

Goofy Chickens

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 24, 2013
LaGrange, Georgia
I need recommendations for a new rooster. I had a blue copper moran, which was given to us when he was full grown, but he was quite aggressive. He's attacked my husband many times, even drawing blood through a layer of blue jeans and long johns! So for the sake of our small grandchildren, he's been given a new home.

I would like for our new rooster to have sharp contrasting colors, simply because I like to have a variety of colors and breeds running around the yard. I would also like for it to be kinda sorta on the large size. Not too large to squash the hens, though. My hens are orphingtons, marans, sex link, and some sort of laced breed.

I plan to order this rooster as a chick.
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New Hampshire reds are very calm....And have lots of colors.

Keep in mind ANY rooster can turn aggressive.

Most generally bigger the breed the more docile it is....
Boy, this is quite a job. Been Googling all cotton' pickin' day! I'm wanting a rooster with stunning colors, nice enough so that I can let my small grandchildren play in the yard, and big enough to intimidate the coyotes. I think I'm going to have to give up on color if I want a large rooster.

If I handle this rooster chick enough while it's young, will its aggression be reduced as it gets older?
Boy, this is quite a job. Been Googling all cotton' pickin' day! I'm wanting a rooster with stunning colors, nice enough so that I can let my small grandchildren play in the yard, and big enough to intimidate the coyotes. I think I'm going to have to give up on color if I want a large rooster.

If I handle this rooster chick enough while it's young, will its aggression be reduced as it gets older?
A coyote is a wild animal,no size is gonna ward it off,at least no size of a chicken will.He may defend his flock with his life but chances are he is gonna survive a Coyote...

Do not let him sit on your lap,this shows him dominating you.Don't walk around him,do not let him peck you.

Do pick him up at least once every other week.

Once he reaches his teen years he might get a lil outta hand but you can easily correct him with a hose.
You may want to consider finding a mature male instead of starting with a chick. A mature male will be past the teen hormonal stage and will have a known disposition. This time of year there are numerous well behaved, oops or extra hatchling, boys available out there. Your hens would thank you for giving them a polite male.

Just don't expect a rooster of any breed to be able stand up to coyotes, or any large predator for that matter. If you are lucky the rooster will be the only bird you lose.

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