Recommend organic feedstore on-line please


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
Florida Keys
I want to buy organic feed for my chickens. The closest feed store is 30 miles and they don't even know what organic feed is, as I found out when I asked if they carried it and they said "What do you mean by organic???".
I want to buy feed online. Can anyone recommend a good source for this? I want really good quality feed and prefer no soy. I found a few sites but have not purchased from anyone yet. If some are better than others I would love to hear what you more experienced chicken farmers have to say.
Countryside Natural is one of the only places I saw on the web that sells the organic feed. I also found a seller on ebay, McGeary Organics ( who is out of Pennsylvania. The ebay site has expired but I found their own site. I am not sure if they sell direct but I am going to look into that also.
When I was comparing Countryside Natural to ebay the shipping was about the same. All shipping is expensive for me because I am down here at what is considered the end of the universe. I just have to factor shipping costs in. It's still cheaper than the cost of me running around to find it, particularly because no one close has what I need. Heck, I had to drive 3 hours to find people selling chickens.
If anyone else has good resources for the organic feed I would love to know and compare to the 2 above.
I am so frustrated..I found an organic supplier in California and it would cost $50.00 to ship a 50 lb bag
that is in addition to the cost of the feed. I was just about to post this same question. Hopefully someone can help us! I live in Orlando, Fl and there are alot of feed stores close by but they look at me like I am a two headed gargoyle when I ask about all natural or organic feed.
I got that look also when I asked at the feed store in Homestead. It might just be the cost you have to pay if you really want to get the organic feed. I read about making feed at home but buying all the various organic ingredients would actually cost more than buying and shipping.
Try the company in Pennsylvania. Staying within the east coast might be less than shipping from CA. Let me know what you find out.
If y'all can split an order from Countryside Natural, you can save a LOT on the cost of shipping. Hard part is coming up with a large enough order to merit pallet shipping rather than FedEx. CN will load a minimum of about 500 lbs on a pallet, max is about 2200 lbs, and ship it by truck for about the same cost as having 4-5 50 lb bags shipped separately. To where I am in TN, the pallet cost is $112, which brought my shipping down to $8 per bag -- but I was able to order a LOT of bags (not just feed though, I also got fish meal and oyster shell -- you can include anything they sell).

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