Recommendation for a duck breed with bantam chickens?


Jun 5, 2017

I have a small flock of d'uccles and am wanting to add 3-4 ducks, mostly just for fun, but we'll also eat the eggs so it'd be nice if they were at least moderate layers. I'm wondering if a standard sized breed of duck would be fine sharing a run with bantam chickens, or if I should go for a bantam duck breed?

Bantam chickens are pretty tough for their size. Although bantam ducks ARE cute, you could go with a medium size breed. If you get ducklings they will know that the bantams are the boss hens in the barn and know their place. To be honest I never had ducks with chickens but I have added a fairly large breed to run around with my smaller chickens. It worked out fine. Just don't get a duck breed that is known for dominance
[Just don't get a duck breed that is known for dominance]

Like Muscovy. lol I have them.

You never want to put young ducklings or young chicks in with another breed of poultry if adults. They need to live side by side once ducklings are old enough to go outside for good.

My ducks and chickens live really well together when out free ranging but I don't think I would keep my flock in a pen unless there were places for either species could get away from the other.

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