recommendations for books on homeschooling?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Our oldest is only 3 (will be 4 this summer) so this is not in any way a pressing issue... however, I would like plenty of time to learn more about the subject and decide what i think, plus which my husband is totally ignorant about homeschooling (and I mean 'ignorant' in the, er, least polite sense of the word
) and I have finally gotten him to at least agree that he should learn more about the subject before railing against it

So, can anyone recommend a good book(s) about homeschooling, for instance discussing pros and cons and strengths and weaknesses and ways people do it and suchlike.

I would particularly appreciate recommendations of books that approach it from a primarily NON religious perspective, because if I homeschooled our kids that would not be why and because it would big-time not work well to hand my husband a book that equates homeschooling with religious instruction. (I would perfectly well read such books myself, they just would be counterproductive to give DH)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,

Perhaps I should clarify -- I am looking for books ABOUT homeschooling (discussing the decision whether to homeschool, things like that) not curriculum materials FOR homeschooling

I just called my SIL who homeschools and she recommended looking up the "Home Schooling Legal Defense" or the "Teaching Home Magazine" web-sites. She thought either one should give you a good place to start.

And as for the curricullium, I know she uses Abeka and is really happy with it. She is also very fussy on the quality so I think it speaks alot.
Hi Pat- I will find some more for you later today or tomorrow but one that comes to mind is "Home Schooling For Excellence" by David Colfax.

Just a little background on them - they were more 'unschoolers' than traditional Home Schoolers. Some people are for that and some against, it's a personal choice.

I also believe they schooled in the 1970s? (I think), so there are certainly some things that may have changed since then.

However, their children got into great colleges and did fantastic in schooling so I would suggest reading the book for all their good information.
Can you explain the difference between "homeschooling" and "unschooling"? I have heard the latter term but never really understood what it refers to? Thanks!

Hello, Pat,

There is a very nice selection of books available at Barnes and Noble. You can get just about every perspective on homeschooling. Personally, I don't use any religious curriculum because I don't ascribe to any particular religion and I would never be reimbursed through my school, Alaska is very clear on the separation of church and state when it comes to school.

If you are wanting to get a better feel on materials, perspectives, and options you may want to contact your local yahoo home school group to find out what publicly funded options are available to you, when they might be hosting seminars as these can be an excellent resource for someone wanting to explore their options.

I go through a program called IDEA (Interior Distance Education of Alaska)
and every year they are wonderful enough to host a curriculum fair that is free for families in their program and open to the public for a small fee. They fly in various speakers and they do allow the sale of Abeka and other curriculums, we can only pay for the non-religious portions with our allotment. It is fantastic to have vendors fly in from all over the country, to demonstrate new products and to be able to answer your questions. Usually, we get reps from several colleges as well as major companies like Scholastic.

Here is a link to give you some info that can help you on your search: IDEA Fair 2008

Edited to add: I am more of an unschooler. I believe in letting my children learn at their own pace about what they are interested in. My focus is more on what kind of people they are than what they know. Every child is driven to do different things, some want to learn to read early, some just want to play with clay. In unschooling, you let the student take the lead in following their interests. In schooling, you set a timeline and lessons plans with goals and set achievements that are to be met. You design or use a lesson plan that requires you to spend a set amount of time learning and practicing each subject.
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I was home schooled off and on because we moved a lot and home schooled my son for a year and half before we were able to get into a really good private school.

For your DH I would recommend Homeschoolers Handbook

It really good about going over everything and even has a section for reluctant spouses. I liked it, although it didn't really have anything in I didn't already know from my research on Internet. I would also really recommend Rainbow Resource Center It's a catalogue and has everything in it with reviews.

I loved The Well Trained Mind too. I really recommend her books but just know and she says in her books, that there is no way you can do all the things she recommends.

You can read about unschooling here.

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