Red Bulbs vs The Regular White


12 Years
Jul 16, 2007
Long Island NY
I did a search for threads comparing the 2 type of bulbs and not much really came up. I have always used the red 250watt bulbs. The white ones are half the price of the red ones though and I was wondering the opinions of people who have used both or one of the other. I was wondering if the red coloring really makes much of a difference or not. Any opinions are very welcome. Thanks.
The 250 watt 'red' lamp is an infrared heat lamp, not just an incandescent lamp with a red lens. The red of EITHER kind of lamp is "easier" on the chicks so they are not subjected to white light 24/7 for weeks on end. Also, in the red light, they tend to peck at each other less, particularly if there is an injury. The red light masks blood, for the most part.

I wouldn't use any other lamp in a brooder. I have a set-up in which I can raise the lamp higher to reduce the heat as the chicks mature.
I know the red is to prevent the pecking of each other. It's what I have always used. But the bulbs never last as long as they say they should and the non red are much cheaper. They must work ok or no one would buy them anymore. So I was just wondering how many people who used them had problems and how many didn't.
I'm using infrared ceramic heat emmitters now, or at least as soon as they arrive. Suppose to last a very long time. This is where I got mine and same price for all wattages under reptile specials. I always use 250 watt and regulate temps with a wafer thermostat. Just build a new double stack brooder and even the 250 watt red bulb does great.
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I have used a white 250 watt bulb w/ no trouble and no pecking of any chicks, by any chicks. I also have the red 250 watt bulb that I will use as they get older and to adjust them to darkness, which they have not experienced yet.
I am using the ceramic heat emitter as well.

I am loving the whole sleep cycle thing. They go down to sleep within 10 -15 minutes of the lights going off
and they jump up and greet me in the morning when the light go on. They run around stretching and then they gobble down some food and drink.

They are going into the outdoor brooder next week and then no lights just the heater and they will be on a totally natural schedule.
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We have the 250 w red and its too hot for our chicks, they are in a smaller brooder. So, we went to about 3 store this morning looking for a smaller red one and was told they don't make smaller red ones than the 250 w so we ended up with a 125 white. The label actually says " Brooder Light".

Going to change out the bulbs soon and hope for the best.

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