red golds


8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
Knee Deep
Ok, I have wanted these since I seen a decanter from ski country of one. I then made the mistake of finding out that they are real and alive today. Well I never thought I would get any since they aren't easy to find in my woods and cost alot. Well at a flockswap I found some and came home with chicks. I haven't done my home work on them since I thought I wouldn't have any.
Any help is needed and welcomed.

What do they eat

how long lived

when do they breed


type of plants in pen

how long till they breed

nest box or what for eggs if I have a hen

what type of water

do they bath in water or dirt
There are people in N.C that raise red goldens.They are not hard to find at all,and are not expensive,so whoever told you that was not honest with you.A breeder pair will cost 50.00-65.00, and chicks are around 10.00-15.00 each.
They eat gamebird feed available at all feed stores.
How long they live ,is a question that is to hard to answer.
For treats they love fruit,veggies,peanuts,mealworms,rice.
Ever greens are nice and they make your pen look nice and gives them a place to hide if needed.I did have a website with all bird safe plants,but have since lost it.
red goldens will breed their first year and their breeding season starts in Feb or ealier depending on where you are.
Give them choices in egg laying places,plywood leaned against the side of pen,a bushel basket hanging from side of pen.
What type of water?Is there different kinds?
They do need to be wormed 2 times per year.
They love to dust bathe.You should have gotten a little bit of info before buying them.
Don't be afraid to ask questions on here,there are a lot of good people here to help.
In N.H.,Tony.
I use rubber 1 quart bowls.They do not freeze entirely during the winter months,and if they do,you just turn them over and stomp on them and ice pops right out and the bowl doesn't break or rupture.a pheasant will rarely if ever jump into water.I thought you were going to give them perier to drink or voss.
In N.H.,Tony.
I worm mine in the spring and again in the fall with ivermectin. I like it because it works on a variety of worms not just roundworms.

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