Red Mite HELP


Aug 3, 2021
Hi All,

I am a newbie chicken keeper (2 years) and my hen house and hens are infested with red mites (terrified they are in the house). Treated the chickens with premethrin poultry dust. Yesterday I sprayed down the whole coop with a 0.5% premethrin spray, and I mean soaked. It's a wood house, brick floor. Soaked very crack and crevice. I went out and checked today,and there are still adult mites everywhere. Does premethrin take more than 24 hours to kill? I will be treating again this weekend with Elector PSP, but wanted to see if this is expected after a permethrin treatment (I know it takes several, I am more concerned about how quickly it should kill).
I had mites once. I used frontline for cats on the chickens. That worked great and I know some show people use it (a breeder friend recommended it to me) You can treat the house with DE. Make sure to wear a mask to keep from inhaling the stuff. I've heard others use Seven to control mites but I haven't used it myself
I had mites once. I used frontline for cats on the chickens. That worked great and I know some show people use it (a breeder friend recommended it to me) You can treat the house with DE. Make sure to wear a mask to keep from inhaling the stuff. I've heard others use Seven to control mites but I haven't used it myself
Thanks so much! How much frontline did you apply to each bird? And what size are our birds. I have quite a range in sizes.
I had leghorns so you can gage by size. If I remember right half of a cat dose. Test reactivity by trying some on one bird against their skin
I used a clove based spray. Super effective after a single treatment, safe to use on birds and all areas in the coop. I was worried they be bothered by the smell, but they roosted like normal after ai sprayed, they refused to even go in before that for two days before we figured out it was mites. They sell it in gallon concentrate at TSC, but I couldn't wait for thier shipping ( none in stock in store) so I paid the extra for overnight shipping on Amazon.
I had mites once. I used frontline for cats on the chickens. That worked great and I know some show people use it (a breeder friend recommended it to me) You can treat the house with DE. Make sure to wear a mask to keep from inhaling the stuff. I've heard others use Seven to control mites but I haven't used it myself
I was actually thinking of using generic flea and tick stuff for DOGS on my hens. It's the old school kind, with permethrin, not the new stuff with Fipronil (which I know chickens don't tolerate). I'm thinking a drop on their backs might be less traumatic and work faster than spraying them or dusting them. I AM going to spray the coop with a permethrin solution.

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