Red Pullets from TSC

I have a flock of those that are a little over a year old that I got from TSC. They looked exactly like yours as chicks, and mine are all hens. Great egg layers too
I got pullets on the first of April at my local TS and I ended up with four roo's. They let me keep the roo's and gave four new ones. Gland I got new ones but, the question I have is can I put them together? Now I just need to find new home's for my roo's I can't keep them in town.
I have the same birds from TSC. Can you tell me what the breed is. ? The side of the box said Red Sex Link and about 4 other breeds.

I have no clue was hoping someone would know lol the bin at ours just said Red Pullets
I have no clue was hoping someone would know lol the bin at ours just said Red Pullets
Well, I have been obsessed trying to figure out what the TSC birds are.
So far RIR mixed with White Plymouth Rock.
And bunch of other ones I can't remember right now.
TSC birds are sweet and gentle, like my White Leghorns.
The problem with looking at chicken pictures is that I now would
like to have some White Plymouth Rock birds.
And on Zazzle there are cups with chickens on them.
One had a persons head showing the brain but inside it was filled with
different breeds of chickens....aaaahhhaaaaa, it's good.

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