Red Shoulder Yokohama Bantams

My Yokohama bantam project is going strong, have blacks, blues, mottleds, blue mottleds, whites, redshouldereds, here and there, will continue work on them, for size and type, here is a pic of this years breeder of blacks and blues.
nothing wrong other than too much of the right thing these birds should be raised outside with a hen, to ensure they get self immunized as they are very weak.

My red saddled bantam breeders
I have a catalog from a Cackle Hatchery in Ohio, US, and I'm pretty sure they have them. I don't know if they are bantam or not. The chickens I got from them got red Premiums in the Northwest Washington Fair, but they were different breeds.
I mean adult Yokas usually range somewhere on the lighter side of 2 to 4 pounds, I could easily house bantams with my yokas. From what I've seen, my yoka roos are not agressive toward smaller roos of other breeds.
But hey, if anybody does come around with a bantam yoka, count me in! Although I have to wonder, with the breed already being so small how teeny would the bantams be? What if their tails grew the same size as a standard yoka! That would be a sight to see

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