Red Silkies from Ideal Poultry?


9 Years
May 11, 2010
Borger, TX
So far this is the only place I could find that has red silkie chicks. Are there any others out there? Does anyone have any exp. with this hatchery and silkies? I was told if you order silkies from a hatchery they don't really look like silkies. Does anyone have red silkies from a hatchery (post pics!) and reccommend that place?

I did order silkies from Ideal last year although I did not order the Red variety. Here's my take: They are maybe the worst looking silkies ever. Most of them found new homes. I saved the best of the worst back for myself and a freind recently took a couple of extra roosters from me just to have around her farm yard. I ordered silkies from Cackel last year too, Blacks and some Blues, they turned out to be better looking silkies. You might want to try contacting them.
You can look through my thread on pics of IDEAL's birds, there's pics of red silkies on the second page.. and another page

they look good

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