Red Sliders?


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011

We caught two red slider turtles from our neighborhood creek, one very little, and one an adult. My mother is a homeschool biology teacher and wants to study them for her class, which is in two weeks. We have them in a large tank. We may end up letting the bigger one go so that the litter one has more room. We don't plan on keeping them- just for two weeks and then we will release them. We've bought crickets, mealworms, and have lettuce, but they don't really seem to be eating (however this is the first day). Is this normal? Any suggestions on care? We also has some turtle food. I know that they may be stressed right now, but I know red sliders are kept as pets so I thought it'd be okay for two weeks. Any suggestions on care? Any tips we need to know?
Have you given them any feeder fish? Do I have to?
No you don't have to. I just know many turtle keepers do prefer to feed live food.
Then they may just need a few more days to settle in. Also what kind of lighting do you have for the turtles?
Yes, i think they need heat... and Kevin?,.. do they calcium suppliments also for the shell?? And do they need UVB for their shells/calcium like my tortoise does??
OP... you need to google" red slider care"... you will find a TON of web pages to help you out..
I'll try to find you some links.. BRB

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