Red Star Problem!

Wipe her mouth and throat gently with a Q tip. If she has gapeworm, you will retrieve one or a few very thin long red worms, about 1" or so. Gapeworm is quite unusual, but quite serious if it occurs. This really sounds to me more like they need good nutrition, attention, a clean place to live, lots of space, etc. Some chickens who get a rough start are going to need longer to recover than others. I would be careful not to overdo anything, whether it is vitamins, greens, electrolytes, etc. They do need layer or another calcium source such as oyster shell if they are laying, for good shells. Most chicken feeds are vegetarian and chickens or course are omnivores, so another good supplement is most any animal protein. Many people farm mealworms these days for this purpose. A few house leftovers or an occasional can of canned mackerel are other sources.
YOU ARE doing and have done SUCH a great job
, I hope she pulls through for you (it sounds like it) you deserve it for being such a good keeper
And Im glad you used a real wormer instead of the non proven other methods, in a case like this you can afford to take those kind of risks!!
Keep us updated!!
The nutrition was probably a major factor in the chickens health. Five of the six pullets we bought have done very well in growth, color, and vigor. Blondie was the only one declining in health after we got her. The place we bought them was in my mind a chicken mill similar to a puppy mill. It was very dirty with few amenities for the animals. He also had ducks and turkeys living in the same conditions. I had talked with the guy on the phone when he was out of Red Stars. Two weeks later, he had some Red Stars supposedly eighteen weeks old. We made a deal over the telephone and we picked them up the next day. They really were a motley crew when we picked them up. I felt immediately we were rescuing them by purchasing them. I wasn't expecting much more than egg producers when we bought them but they have turned out to be very personable with individual personalities. We had never been around a hen after she lay an egg. The Red Stars put on a full stage show or opera to brag about it. They are funny. One of our Silver Laced Wyandottes laid her first egg yesterday and her second today. She didn't seem that excited yesterday, but she could be heard a mile away when she laid todays egg and she kept the racket up for a long time. My wife thought something must be attacking the chicken house.

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HAHAHAHAH thats funny I know exactly what you mean, I have red stars and leghorns which are supposed to be the most operatic with the egg laying song, I was on my bed with my slider open and my cat jumped off the bed when she heard it, I swear my house was vibrating (mind you I live on three acres and they are a acre away from the house) good thing you saved those girls, alot of people who sell chickens expecially redstars and leghorns (since they mostly go to battery cages) throw em in tight confinment with little amenities until they are sold, im a sucker and basically built a town house condominium complex for my flock.!! lol


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