Red Stars?

I only have one Red Star at the moment. She follows me everywhere in the run. Named her BusyBee and I swear if she could speak she would be asking, "What you doing" over and over....and over and over and over.
I have 2, lady and Cindy both are 5 weeks and run from me as fast as they can but I have great hope they will be awesome sweet birds
\\\\Cindy has more white feathers especially on the tips of her wings and Lady is more brown, I am happy I can tell the difference between the two- Lady is def a larger bird, but most certianly they are both female!
I have what were sold to me as Brown Leghorns but I think they must be Brown Stars. They both developed terrible egg problems - soft shell, no shell, soft shell inside them I had to pull out with tweezers. At various times they both obviously felt very poorly. I isolated one in the warm basement for a few days and she got much better. Both seemed fine (but no longer laying) when all of a sudden I found one dead in the coop. I would never get this breed again. (My Production Reds and Barreds are fine.)
I'm sorry to here about your birds Chickens Again. My Red Stars are still doing great - four eggs every day (I had five hens, but a hawk got one
), and they are VERY friendly. My husband gives them leftovers from time to time. They really enjoy leftover Cheerios and milk.
We have one a black sex link, about 10 months old, very friendly like the Australops.

Now, can they withstand a frigid, snowy, below zero winter (which is not occurring this season in the northeast,) but prior winters have been brutal.??

Our chickens have long, wide rabbit hutches to reside and hang out in, so, I want more sex links along with more barred rocks, I know the barreds can withstand the type of winter mentioned or described above, as they survived our brutal Mass, winter last year. But, the sex links?/

Persons have said that they can as they are RIr's with either white rock, or barred rock mixed, but, my Barred Rocks are definitely larger and have more feathers, than the sex link.
We bought four Red Star pullets and they are very laid back and friendly...We have one in particular that likes to jump on a double seater swing with my husband! Will have to keep my camera handy next time it happens.
For all of you here....I have 3 Red Stars. My question is...are all females red/white or are some of the males this way also? I know that they are sex-linked and the males and females look different, but I am getting conflicting information.
My three came to me at a week of age looking yellow and white and now at 8 1/2 weeks are red and white. Two are taller than the third, but only one has a comb.

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