RedBro Freedom Rangers- 6 weeks old-PICTURES

yeah, they're from a picture that barbara had posted on her website when she still had freedom rangers. i think she had them listed as "golden" rangers, but i could be wrong. i think joel has them listed as tri-color. i just know they're really pretty.
WOW :eek: These are gorgeous!!

I like how fast my CC grew but I found myself hiding them on my farm from view because they are so fugly!

These guys are really nice looking, I wouldn't mind having them out in plain view! Are they really smelly like the CC?
These things look as big as me before gastric bypass

They are huge!

Are you eating them yet?
Yes, I was hoping to have single serving size birds/poussin/cornish hens for Thanksgiving. At 4 weeks, the biggest are 1 and a bit pounds (live, of course). I'm hoping they're 2-3 live by the next CT processing event and I can bring up a bunch of birds.

What kind of quail was that, anyway? Is that a coturnix? JasmineBell was cooing and squealing about how cute they are -- I know next year, she'll be upset if we don't get any... and upset if we eat any. *sigh*

Yeah, they really are. You should see them all grown up. We'll get some new pics up later.

I was having a hard time bringing myself to cull them but one of the 10 week old roos
attacked my foot last night. He's gonna be delicious.
My first roo was a leghorn. I promised him I would let him have offspring before we culled
him. Yeah, it sounds foolish, but I'm a guy.

So we put lots of his hens(all different breeds) eggs in our bator and hatched a bunch.
We culled all the roos. They weren't huge but they made a good pot of soup each.

DangerousChicken has a real good post about how she fried up some leghorns.
I think this post may be one of my favorite all time BYC threads. The look on her hubby's
face is classic.

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