reducing waste

Celtic Hill

9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Scotland CT
So im pretty sure when I clean out the bantam's coop i take at least a bag of food out that some how ended up on the ground, I changed the feeder and they still do it. I was thinking I would just ration them to so much a day in stead of all they can eat, so how much food does a bantam hen eat?
First let me say I am a total newbie so my answer is based on what I've read plus some minor experience with other animals. Sone article said 1/4 lb a day for a standard size. (You could maybe do a ratio using relative weights from you breed?) Also the article said that you could reduce if the flock gets to free range.
Personally, if pasturing during the day, and if it is hot, I would reduce high carb content like corn. Did you notice if they were selectively ignoring a certain grain from the mix or are you doing pellets?

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