Refridgerated fertile egg question

Well said. Just a few eggs. I'm not even sure if they will be very fertile. The roo is very young and so are the hens. I don't know if that makes a difference, but he's been doing the deed.

The hens are EEs and the roo is a Mille Fleur D'Uccle, so I think the babies would be absolutely adorable!
I lost my whole flock back in February so I grabbed the 3 eggs from the coop that day and another 7 from the freshest out of the fridge the next day......all this before I committed to buying an incubator. I selected another 11 from the fridge that were up to 2 weeks old but they were blue so I threw them in. 14 hatched and several were from the "not a chance in hell...." eggs. So yes, they could hatch.
You're totally right there! Well, Henwyn, my Austrolorpe, is now in the broody hutch, setting for her first time. I couldn't break her, so now she's going to do the job. She's my first full size hen to go broody. Before now, my silkie and banty cochin have been my mamas.
I'd like to know what happens... keep this going
I think the ones I've had in the fridge hatched better. LOL At least most have hatch.

I've also hatched out TJ's and Safeway fertile eggs.

Good luck!
Does anyone have an idea about fertility with young birds? Like I said, the hens are obviously laying, and I collected eggs from the girls that he has been mating, but is there some time period where the "fertile" eggs are not as fertile as older birds? Or is it like teenagers, where they even LOOK at the opposite sex and can get pregnant.....hahaha!
Not really....they are either fertilized or not. It's not like humans...hens will either be fertile and laying eggs or not fertile and not laying. Up to the roo, then, if the actual eggs are "fertilized". When you crack one, if fertilized, you should see a bulls-eye of lighter yellow with slightly darker yellow surrounding it. It's subtle, so look closely.

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