Refrigerated Eggs?

Went out to check on my broody today after work.....

two of the eggs are chirping from inside the shell, both green eggs from the fridge.... 2 of the other eggs sound like there is scratching on the inside....

Hows your fridge eggs doing??
Our best fridge egg story:

My dad had a coop of RIRs and a separate coop of banties. A pack of dogs broke into his RIR coop and killed them all. He had some eggs in the refrigerator, and stuck them under his setting banty. One of them hatched, and is now our RIR rooster, Buzz. The last survivor from his family!

Usually, if we want to hatch some eggs, we gather them in the fridge until we have enough, let them get to room temperature for 12-24 hours, then put them under a broody hen all at once. Works like a charm! Just hatched 15 of 17 eggs a couple of days ago!

I had a broody waiting on shipped eggs. To keep her happy I gave her two refrigerated eggs until the eggs arrived.

The eggs didn't get here for a week and when I gave her the shipped eggs I took out the two eggs and candled them. Both were clear.
2 little chickies under my broody this morning....

1 day early, and she was off the nest 2x for a few hours.....

I have to wait to see about the others

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