Refugee Chickens

I’ve read a number of posts stating these chickens are not the responsibility of the OP; I disagree. It’s everyones responsibility to help theses chickens. They are in this position because of us.
I’ve worked my way through this entire thread. It’s like watching a slow motion car crash where the car occupants are dying and an observer is recording the event but making no real attempt to tend to the injured.
The first post was on Dec 11th and it is now Jan 10th and there has been no resolution to the problem.
I’m going to join centrachid on the disgusted bench.
I’ve read a number of posts stating these chickens are not the responsibility of the OP; I disagree. It’s everyones responsibility to help theses chickens. .

No.. I didn't bring these chickens here.. they are not my responsibility. Where's the help? Lots of lip flapping, very little real advice..

You better hurry over to that bench before it fills up with the elitist, arrogant and pretentious folks.

I don't have 45 years experience, come from 6 generations of chicken breeders or have any interest in chickens beyond these are living creatures that deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

I honestly don't understand this board..

If I improperly "sex" my chicks, cause neurological damage and them torment them for days until they die.. I can post about that and get truckloads of advice and well wishes..

If I go out and purchase chickens with no research or planning, bring them home and let my dog chew on them, I can neglect the wounds, and post complaining they smell like rotten meat.. folks will line up to offer sympathy..

If I don't secure my chickens and they get eaten, I can come post about it and a parade of comments supporting my stupidity will flood in..

I can even post total BS stories and people trip over themselves to engage and support me..

Instead, I've come here with a real problem that I didn't create. No matter how poorly I've dealt with it, it's not my doing. I didn't lure these chickens here.. I didn't bring them here.

If you've got some real advice how I can deal with this, I would appreciate it.

Animal control won't help. One agent recommended poison.
They can't be caught while roosting, they keep climbing the tree.
If I walk close to them they run.

What else can I do?

Regardless of what anyone thinks.. right now I'm the only thing keeping them all from being shot.. I don't know how long I can keep the heat off.. people are pissed. As you keep saying.. they are FOOD.. "we don't let FOOD tear up our yard and porch and keep us up all night"

I am begging for time or help.. very little of either in supply. So frankly... put up or shut up.. there are plenty of other threads that need attention.
No.. I didn't bring these chickens here.. they are not my responsibility. Where's the help? Lots of lip flapping, very little real advice..

You better hurry over to that bench before it fills up with the elitist, arrogant and pretentious folks.

I don't have 45 years experience, come from 6 generations of chicken breeders or have any interest in chickens beyond these are living creatures that deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

I honestly don't understand this board..

If I improperly "sex" my chicks, cause neurological damage and them torment them for days until they die.. I can post about that and get truckloads of advice and well wishes..

If I go out and purchase chickens with no research or planning, bring them home and let my dog chew on them, I can neglect the wounds, and post complaining they smell like rotten meat.. folks will line up to offer sympathy..

If I don't secure my chickens and they get eaten, I can come post about it and a parade of comments supporting my stupidity will flood in..

I can even post total BS stories and people trip over themselves to engage and support me..

Instead, I've come here with a real problem that I didn't create. No matter how poorly I've dealt with it, it's not my doing. I didn't lure these chickens here.. I didn't bring them here.

If you've got some real advice how I can deal with this, I would appreciate it.

Animal control won't help. One agent recommended poison.
They can't be caught while roosting, they keep climbing the tree.
If I walk close to them they run.

What else can I do?

Regardless of what anyone thinks.. right now I'm the only thing keeping them all from being shot.. I don't know how long I can keep the heat off.. people are pissed. As you keep saying.. they are FOOD.. "we don't let FOOD tear up our yard and porch and keep us up all night"

I am begging for time or help.. very little of either in supply. So frankly... put up or shut up.. there are plenty of other threads that need attention.

I hate to say, but I disagree with most of what you have here. If somebody was stupid enough to buy chicks and let their dog get to them AND complain about how the chick smelled as it sat infected, they would not get sympathy on this site. Their chicks might, but the irresponsible owner would not.
I think you've gotten some good advice on here, but I believe that you're too soft hearted to take much of it. Having livestock (which, yes I know these aren't yours) means making tough choices. It doesn't make people heartless, just able to deal with life and death of an animal in their care.

That said.... The best way to get these guys is live animal traps. They're already used to you being there, and feeding them. Get a big live animal trap, leave it out so they get used to it being there, and then start baiting it with seed. You'll probably only get one or two at a time, but you'll get them. Or put out several traps.
No.. I didn't bring these chickens here.. they are not my responsibility. Where's the help? Lots of lip flapping, very little real advice..

You better hurry over to that bench before it fills up with the elitist, arrogant and pretentious folks.

I don't have 45 years experience, come from 6 generations of chicken breeders or have any interest in chickens beyond these are living creatures that deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

I honestly don't understand this board..

If I improperly "sex" my chicks, cause neurological damage and them torment them for days until they die.. I can post about that and get truckloads of advice and well wishes..

If I go out and purchase chickens with no research or planning, bring them home and let my dog chew on them, I can neglect the wounds, and post complaining they smell like rotten meat.. folks will line up to offer sympathy..

If I don't secure my chickens and they get eaten, I can come post about it and a parade of comments supporting my stupidity will flood in..

I can even post total BS stories and people trip over themselves to engage and support me..

Instead, I've come here with a real problem that I didn't create. No matter how poorly I've dealt with it, it's not my doing. I didn't lure these chickens here.. I didn't bring them here.

If you've got some real advice how I can deal with this, I would appreciate it.

Animal control won't help. One agent recommended poison.
They can't be caught while roosting, they keep climbing the tree.
If I walk close to them they run.

What else can I do?

Regardless of what anyone thinks.. right now I'm the only thing keeping them all from being shot.. I don't know how long I can keep the heat off.. people are pissed. As you keep saying.. they are FOOD.. "we don't let FOOD tear up our yard and porch and keep us up all night"

I am begging for time or help.. very little of either in supply. So frankly... put up or shut up.. there are plenty of other threads that need attention.
How high are the branches they roost on?
Can you rent live animal traps? Who can I call about that? Remember animal control told me chickens are classed as pests and they wont help. Could I use a dog crate.. not sure how I would close it.

If I stand next to the tree, you could stack another of me and then another half.. I'm 5'5 so maybe 12 feet? that's the tallest, there are 2 other shorter ones, some poop under one too, I think green leg rooster goes in that one.

what food can I offer to gain trust? They ignore all manner of leafy greens, apples, tomatoes, french fries... I saw a bag of worms at the store, but they were very expensive.
When their up in the tree ... get you flashlight, and call your neighbors with the gun ...

Even if you could catch them in a trap ... what would you do with them??? Like Aart asks - what is your goal?

As I said before ... chicken and dumplings ... even if you don't want to eat them ... let the neighbors have a meal.
What is the point of this thread? Do you want to keep the chickens?
Get a cheap fishing net and get someone to help you at dusk. Don’t let them get in the tree. Chase them down and catch them. Build a couple cheap pens with wire and 2x4s and be done with it. This isn’t that difficult.
no I don't want to keep them.

The goal would be to remove them from our the property.. I would prefer that they aren't killed.. but seems that's too big an ask..

I have no idea what to do with them once in a trap.. call my cousin, she brings a truck and away they go.

I'm tired of crying over them, I'm tired of worrying about them. I'm tired of taking heat because I care too much about stupid chickens.

Flashlight and gun and this would be all over...

but it makes me terribly sad.. they don't deserve this, it's not their fault.. I guess better to quit making a laughing stock of myself and dragging this out?

Can they not be caught?
In case the OP comes back.
The easiest way to catch a chicken is at night when they are roosting.
The chickens here often roost up a tree and I’ve been getting them down one way or another for some years.
You will need somewhere to put those you catch.

The first thing to know is when a chicken is roosting if you place your finger, or a piece of wood, or anything that a chicken can grip with its feet. between it’s foot and it’s ‘knee’ joint, the chickens automatic reaction is to step back and grip whatever you place there. This is an involuntary action. They all do this. You need to apply slight pressure.
I use a long pole with a T piece fastened to one end. The T piece needs to be slightly wider than the ‘stance’ of the chicken.
When it is dark even if you move the pole with the chicken gripping the T piece it is very unlikely that the chicken will let go. They don’t see well enough to be confident about flight in the dark.
Assuming you are on the ground you can then lower the chicken on the end of the pole until you can grasp it firmly around its body.
Put the chicken in whatever you have to keep them in.
Sometimes here they climb higher than the longest pole I can control will reach.
If this is the case with these chickens then you will need a ladder as well.
Make sure you secure the ladder by tying it to the tree. Standing on a ladder with a chicken possibly 12 feet above balancing on a pole requires ladder stability!
On the few occasions a chicken here has climbed higher than the ladder and pole combination will reach, I’ve climbed the tree and once caught stuffed them in the front of my jacket. They usually go very quiet.

So, if you want to help these chickens the above is how to catch them.
You asked for ‘helpful’ advice and I’ve given it.
EDIT. If something is not clear then ask.

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