Refugee Chickens

no I don't want to keep them.

The goal would be to remove them from our the property.. I would prefer that they aren't killed.. but seems that's too big an ask..

I have no idea what to do with them once in a trap.. call my cousin, she brings a truck and away they go.

I'm tired of crying over them, I'm tired of worrying about them. I'm tired of taking heat because I care too much about stupid chickens.

Flashlight and gun and this would be all over...

but it makes me terribly sad.. they don't deserve this, it's not their fault.. I guess better to quit making a laughing stock of myself and dragging this out?

Can they not be caught?
So you care so much about them but not enough to keep them and give them a home?
I don't know if you can rent live traps. I know you can buy them. Home Depot would have some the right size. Like the size for a raccoon.

ETA: Thinking about it... if you can find a trap for a coyote, you may get more. Go bigger. Bigger is better.
First of all... to the nice folks sending me private msgs... thank you! It's a shame ya'll don't feel comfortable posting openly because of the culture on this board.. but I do understand..

I began construction of a "stick".. duct tape and wire hanger isn't going to work.. I'll need to screw a piece of wood to my broom stick.

Next step was investigation of the tree after dark. I have never gone over there when they are there and disturbed them. Angie claims to have climbed her tree.. after last night I'm skeptical.. though she is a farm girl and that tree she has is very tall... I suppose she has a very different approach than me, I've never even touched one, ever.

Anyway, they were in my trees last night, the shorter one. I went, with husband, a few hours after dark. I had the stick. My goal was to place the stick near the tree branch.. then maybe touch the tree branch (that had a chicken on it) and see the reaction.

I was in no way ready or intended to attempt anything. Just to see what the reaction was.. all this talk of roosting birds are calm and can be touched seems far fetched to me.

I think the chickens I am dealing with are feral.. I don't they understand to be still while roosting.

As we approached the tree all the motion lights came on.. didn't really need the flashlight once we saw them. I never saw the girls only the two roosters, one above the other. Both no more than 6 feet up, I'm looking into his face through the branches.

We had a brief whispered conversation..

H: he's right there..
M: hissing noooo
H: I could probably reach under and grab him
M: nooo! I'm investigating.. I dont even know if angie's home!
H: fine.. it's cold, do what you have to, lets go
M: shhhhhhhhh

I raised the stick very slowly.. brought it closer to the tree, about 1 foot below his branch.. I very gently touched the branch next to his (swear) and all hell broke loose.

I screamed, husband hit the ground, they all flew out of the tree.. vigorously.

One hit the house. I'm no longer whispering.. I'm now screaming.. somehow this was husband's fault in my mind.. Ever horrid possibility running through my mind. They are now lost, they won't find each other, they will get eaten because they are scattered.

I'm now shrieking at husband to render aid to the one by the house. He says it's fine.. I say not good enough.. So he crawls under the porch, she walks out in front of him.. they continue across the yard, once she's back near the tree I tell him leave off.

She seemed to be walking normally... I'm praying for sunrise to see if they are ok.

I hear both roosters this morning, much further away that usual.

Catch them in the tree is off the table for me, seems traumatic and doomed to fail.

I hope I didn't cause any damage or one to be lost or injured by doing that. I feel very guilty for disturbing them and it's on me if something happened. (Husband kind of upset I screamed at him, I was the one with the stick)

The animal traps at home depot at 75-100 for large.. I'm not entirely opposed, but it is an investment.

There is a pest guy that has a flyer at the grocery store.. I wonder if I contacted him, he might "rent" me traps.. Does that sound plausible?
Good grief:he
Somehow I just don't think you are the right person to be dealing with this problem; sorry and all that.

Completely agree. I felt that way from my first post. Since he has some experience, the husband should be doing this.
OP, disable the motion sensors. Do it again with a flashlight. Chickens can't see very well in the dark, and are complacent. Even feral ones. Even wild ones. They reacted the way they did because there was too much light. That moment was the easiest for your husband to have snagged at least the one. I get the impression that the moment they start flapping, you start screaming. I'm familiar with this behavior, as my oldest daughter is ornithophobic. Get your husband to do this.
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Do the following; using Google search "certified pest control operator" and contact one serving your area. Have them come out and survey the situation and devise an approach they know will work. Have the certified pest control operator do everything. It will cost more than renting or even buying a trap, but will have the job done in short order.
the culture on this board..

Can I ask you something, in all seriousness. What does this statement mean? I joined this forum almost two years ago, right after I got my first 5 chicks. About 3 weeks after getting these chicks, I had myself convinced they were mostly cockerels, so I went out and bought 6 more from Meyer's Hatchery. They all turned out to be girls. Anyway... Through all that, even though I was convinced I had boys, I was on here, poking and insisting on cockerels, and learning as I went. Reading, lots of reading. And although I'm certain I annoyed at least a few of the long timers, I kept going and kept reading and kept learning. Maybe I was more invested, since I owned my chicks, but I honestly found this whole forum to be honest, supportive, informative, and yes, sometimes tough love.
I am so frustrated with this thread, and cannot but should leave it alone. The analogy of watching a wreck is so apt, good grief.

The best advice is centrachid's about getting someone else to do it. You are terrified, and the terror has transmitted to your husband. Terror, even completely unreasonable terror does not lend to clear rational thought.

Go on your local board, or facebook, and ask a chicken person to come and collect the birds. Go to a local feed store and ask if they know some chicken people. People all over are not terrified of some birds. They won't be afraid, they will collect them and ten to one, they will live out their life span safe and secure.

Stop worrying and feeling guilty and do something positive, forthright and competent.


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