refusing to perch.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Bennington Vermont
We have always had two roost in our enclosed/secure run. The other day the roost fell over. The chickens hid in the coop and would not come out near the fallen roost. No on is injured. we took the roost out of the pen for 48 hrs and put new more stable roost. Well they are walking around them, but not roosting on them. Is their memory that good? I have sat out there with them, put treats on the roost, and even picked them up and placed them on them. will not sit on them. Do I just need to give it time. They used to love to sit up there and warm their toes and groom themselevs. Any suggestions? Thanks V
Yes, they have a VERY good memory. And they are also "chicken"

I'm sure they will come around in time--is the roost flat enough to sprinkle some scratch on?
I would go in the coop after it is dark and put them all up on their roost. I would do this for a couple of nights. Before you know it, they should be all roosting again! Hope this helps!
Thanks. I sorry if I did not make sure to let y'all know these roost are outside in their pen. They have to problem roosting on their roost at night inside their coop. i have tried to put scratch on their roost and sitting with them on it. I guess I will just wait them out. Thanks V

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