Rehabilitating a hen that’s been abused by Rooster. Help. Need suggestions on how to make her comfortable in new placement and comb suggestions & eye.

Broke chicken lady

In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2020
My brother hen has been abused by their temp rooster. So she is coming to my coop for a while. He has pecked her eye and I think it’s gone now. But her comb is also worry some to me. I have 4 teens and 2 babies currently the free range my city yard. The new hen is a free range county gal. All suggestions welcome.


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As far as the eye and comb, I am no expert. Maybe if the comb was just pecked at putting something to help it not feel dry/itchy would be nice, possibly coconut oil? As far as her adjusting from farm life free ranging to city life free ranging I wouldn’t even think twice about it. I just got my chickens a few weeks ago from someone who let them free range everywhere and now they are kept to our fenced in 1/2 acre. I don't think they care to be honest, they are just happy to be getting the care they needed (bad case or mites and lice) and some yummy mealworms as treats. Your new hen I’m sure is just going to be happy to be free of that terrorizing rooster that hurt and blinded her one eye! Poor thing. I’m sure you’re already her new best friend :hugs

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