Rehoming Bantam to a Flock of Standard Hens


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2023
Hi! I'm the new chicken owner who got sucked into the cuteness of straight run bantams peeping at the feed store. Well, they def both are Roosters as they are now competitive crowing driving us nuts and have had a neighbor inform me we arent allowed to keep roosters. Fluffy is is a white Bantam Sultan and Munckin is I do believe a Plymouth Bantam. Long story short, and it hurts my heart because I've become so attatched. I have to rehome.

I found a home that is willing to take on the wee one Munckin but they have standard females. How safe is this? Can females become aggressive towards males? He's so small he wont stand a chance. I'd feel awful if I'm sending him to impending doom when my heart doesn't want to send him away to begin with. Most people say it's just a bird. I raised them from 2 days old and adore them. I just want to do what's best for them. They were Hatched March 11th. Thank you for I guess the moral support I'm needing 🤣


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I have read many posts of chicken keepers that have standard size hens with a male bantam with no issues, or at least not life threatening ones. Because of this, this year I decided to get a bantam male for my flock of 11 hens and 6 pullets. I love roosters, I think they are gorgeous animals but I have had some bad experiences with them so I am giving the bantam a try and see. I know they can be as aggressive as the big roosters but I might be able to deal with the little one. Hopefully your baby bantam cockerels will find a nice home.
Hi! I'm the new chicken owner who got sucked into the cuteness of straight run bantams peeping at the feed store. Well, they def both are Roosters as they are now competitive crowing driving us nuts and have had a neighbor inform me we arent allowed to keep roosters. Fluffy is is a white Bantam Sultan and Munckin is I do believe a Plymouth Bantam. Long story short, and it hurts my heart because I've become so attatched. I have to rehome.

I found a home that is willing to take on the wee one Munckin but they have standard females. How safe is this? Can females become aggressive towards males? He's so small he wont stand a chance. I'd feel awful if I'm sending him to impending doom when my heart doesn't want to send him away to begin with. Most people say it's just a bird. I raised them from 2 days old and adore them. I just want to do what's best for them. They were Hatched March 11th. Thank you for I guess the moral support I'm needing 🤣
I know several people who have bantam rooster(s) with a flock of full sized hens with no problem as long as there isn't a full sized rooster. But then I have had both full sized and bantam roosters within my flock with no problems. Right now I have two large fowl and one silkie rooster. If there are both full size and bantam roosters within the flock if helps if these birds are raised within the flock, but you shouldn;t have a problem of introducing a bantam rooster to hens only.

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