Reintroducing a Narragansett Tom back to the flock


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
I have 2 Tom turkeys and 4 hens. They share a large coop with a small flock of Chickens. Both Toms had a bit of respiratory illness and I took them out of the flock to treat them and they were in a small pen together. One has recovered and I returned him about 2 weeks ago to the coop. The second one who I didn't think would live is also almost better and it is time soon to consider putting him back also. The female turkeys pecked the first Tom a little but soon realized he was back to stay! I am worried about putting the 2nd male back thinking the first one had the girls to himself and they will fight. Thoughts on this? The Toms are probably about 8 months old or so and were raised together.
You shouldn't have much trouble just putting him back with his flock. There will be a little fighting but shouldn't get too bad.
Thanks for the answers. I'll be sure to pop him back in when I can be there to watch for a bit

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