Reject Hatching Eggs - aka "The Undesirable Egg Experiment"

Update on the hatch! Good news and bad news. I checked the repaired crack egg (Crackles) and it was definitely gone. I would say it likely quit around day 15-16 and was quite stinky so I didn't do an eggtopsy for those that are curious. It either failed due to bacteria or because of the amount of wax needed to cover the crack effecting the gas exchange. I'm not opposed to trying again in the future but I will probably try nail polish or the membrane trick next time.

Good news! ALL of the other eggs are pipped! So 3 hatched and 7 pipped eggs in the
Great! Did you say what breeds they are?
are they hybrids? if o what breeds?
Yes, they are hybrids. Olive eggers are first-generation hybrids between a dark egg layer and a blue egg layer.
Can you get consistent olive eggers? through generations

These are multi generation Olive Eggers. My friend has been working on her flock of Olive Eggers for years and while she does get the occasional olive egg that is a brownish olive she seems to consistently get shades of green from her flock. It requires breeding back to Marans lines from the desired olive egg hens and then eventually you can have a rooster that hatched from an olive egg over olive hens that produce chicks that predominantly lay olive eggs. I don't know all of her specifics, I just know she's been doing it a long time. We're talking 3rd-4th-5th generations before you have a flock with more consistent results but that's part of the fun with raising Olive Eggers! Surprise egg colors! I'm still hoping for the elusive Avocado green egg one day! 😍

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