Releasing snake to eat mice

I haven't seen that trap, and the plastic ones I have tried were junk.
That's for sure, there are some "cheesy" ones, honestly I would have never bought these off the shelf because of that. I was pleasantly surprised, I haven't seen them in stores. It'll be like most other good things, why would they sell you one when they can sell you two when the first one doesn't work or breaks? lol
Dont mice learn?they seem freakishly smart to me,2 get caught with traps and then none get caught anymore,I feel like it is the downside of traps
Chickens are omnivores, sometimes affectionately named "backyard dinosaurs". I think it's weird NOT to feed them meat. Like when grocery stores sell "vegetarian-fed" poultry products. That's not natural.
The reason the feed is vegetarian based is to avoid poor quality meat ingredients, fish meal, etc.

Vegetarian-fed simply means being FED a well-balanced ration, no different than saying “organically-fed” but no actual organic certification to the rest of their life. The highest standards of humane and quality welfare all actually seem to require vegetarian based feed, like the Poulet Rouge system in France. Those birds are also required to be (actual) free ranging, clearly eating meat (insects lizards mice etc) from their environment.

I don’t feed vegetarian feed but am considering swapping because I feel like I may taste fish in the skin of my meat birds. My birds eat lots of meat free ranging and through what we give them as treats.
The reason the feed is vegetarian based is to avoid poor quality meat ingredients, fish meal, etc.

Vegetarian-fed simply means being FED a well-balanced ration, no different than saying “organically-fed” but no actual organic certification to the rest of their life. The highest standards of humane and quality welfare all actually seem to require vegetarian based feed, like the Poulet Rouge system in France. Those birds are also required to be (actual) free ranging, clearly eating meat (insects lizards mice etc) from their environment.

I don’t feed vegetarian feed but am considering swapping because I feel like I may taste fish in the skin of my meat birds. My birds eat lots of meat free ranging and through what we give them as treats.

I get where you are coming from, just like finishing off a hog with acorns. We used to pull beef in an feed them cracked corn for the last 2-3 weeks. Or...the boss kicking me outta bed for eating Indian food, lol
The opened bags are stored in a Vittles Vault which is air tight but since it's plastic I imagine mice or rats could chew through it if I stored it outside.
Yes they can, and will. I used to use those to store dog food in my garage, rats chewed right through it. Dog food is in the house now, and I use my other vittles vault to store PDZ.
On the subject of chickens eating meat. My chickens are picky and suspicious about new foods, they took a whole summer to decide that watermelon was ok to eat. Now they love it, but, just an illustration of how they are. Once, though, I took some raw chopped chicken liver out to them. OMG it took less than a nanosecond for them to be on it, and a sharklike feeding frenzy ensued. They also love salmon cat food, and tuna. I'd say, nature means for them to eat it at least on occasion. I think the stress on vegetarian feed may have arisen from the mad cow scare, which started from feeding cattle meat products.
Yes they can, and will. I used to use those to store dog food in my garage, rats chewed right through it. Dog food is in the house now, and I use my other vittles vault to store PDZ.
On the subject of chickens eating meat. My chickens are picky and suspicious about new foods, they took a whole summer to decide that watermelon was ok to eat. Now they love it, but, just an illustration of how they are. Once, though, I took some raw chopped chicken liver out to them. OMG it took less than a nanosecond for them to be on it, and a sharklike feeding frenzy ensued. They also love salmon cat food, and tuna. I'd say, nature means for them to eat it at least on occasion. I think the stress on vegetarian feed may have arisen from the mad cow scare, which started from feeding cattle meat products.
After having chickens for 50+ years, I can safely say that my early flocks liked the feed with meat by-products much better than my current flocks like the post mad cow version lacking such.
Chickens are opportunistic feeders, this is what the crop is for. It is the holding pouch for all the good stuff they find in one place.

Let a chicken come up on a mouse nest. Oh my lawd. No worries, none get away.

I give my chickens frogs that I find in my yard. One particular frog was eaten by 5 different hens as they picked it apart. When they were done I asked them if it tasted like chicken. :lau

A chicken will shake and beat whatever the meal is about to be on the ground until it is dead. I would love to know the power they exercise it with their blunt force trauma. I’ll bet it would be quite a lot, even given their small size.

Let your girls eat some meat. They aren’t vegetarians. They will thank you. Oh yeah, several of mine made off with the remaining third of my ham sandwich at lunch today. They loved it.
You should see what mine do to a left over Thanksgiving turkey carcass. It looks like a buzzard had at it when they get done.
Any type of meat is too much for a chicken by that matter,I feel like chickens are more insect and vegetable animal than meat ones lol
Free range chickens can and do catch things and eat them, mice, frogs, snakes, baby songbirds that are on the ground... There are also lots of stories on here about people that process their own birds have flocks of birds that gather around the processing area while they are working to eat any little pieces that are dropped and to lick up the blood.

Nothing weird at all about chickens eating meat

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