Releasing the HENs lol


Apr 27, 2020
Rhode Island
Just wondering what time do you all let your flock out in the morning? And do you have food and water in there coop?

I let mine out at 7 am and take the water and food inside at night and bring back outside when letting them out. Trying to keep predictor and mice away.
Just wondering what time do you all let your flock out in the morning? And do you have food and water in there coop?

I let mine out at 7 am and take the water and food inside at night and bring back outside when letting them out. Trying to keep predictor and mice away.
We have automatic door and no we don’t have food or water in the coop!
For me - food is in coop, water is in run (no rain cover on run.... yet ... I might put food out there when I have one, have not decided).

coop door is open 365 days a year 24-7. I need to be able to leave chickens with no caretaker for 7-10 days at a time and do so regularly.
For me - food is in coop, water is in run (no rain cover on run.... yet ... I might put food out there when I have one, have not decided).

coop door is open 365 days a year 24-7. I need to be able to leave chickens with no caretaker for 7-10 days at a time and do so regularly.
I would love to do this what do you do to make sure no predictor get into the run?
I have the food and water in the run. It is locked at night along with the coop, so no predators or scavengers can get in. I let the chickens out to free range around 8:00 am. They go back in on their own at dusk and I lock them in around 8:30pm😃
I would love to do this what do you do to make sure no predictor get into the run?
My run is as predator proof as my coop, it is one solid enclosure. The only distinction between coop and run is walls and roof. There are no >1/2” gap anywhere, which is the size of hardware cloth spacing.

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