Relocating flock

That's awful! At least you will be reunited soon!

I had an illegal flock in our old city as I was one of the people helping push the city council into allowing backyard flocks.

6 months after we moved to a very small village allowing chickens, they finally approved it, of course.
@Trux & @MykaMom thanks I want it to be self sufficient for when I’m not there. Hubby is getting a very large pile barn so I get a lot of liberty with my coop and run design. We won’t pay for this exact one because he can build it and save money.

I will be sure to add welded wire as well as look into the electric fences.

@dpenning that is really good odds! We’ve used an auto door in my old coop and they were 95% for getting their feathered butts in my dusk but I’d need to get a new one that runs off solar or batteries. I would need a much higher fence because my 9lb girls can already fly up on to my 7ft privacy fence.

My girls do well with nipple and cup waterers but in the winter I’ll need to figure something more nonpowered for a solution.
I use a nipple/PVC water system during warm weather. I understand if you use copper nipples and heat tape on the supply line, you can use it year round. Instead, I have a top-filling 3 gallon water rest of the year. I use a cool-touch safety space heater in the winter: despite that, the water can and does freeze up.

A solution I havent employed yet is putting a low-watt old fashioned lightbulb, the kind that still gets warm, inside a metal cookie tin. You have to drill a hole or cut enough space through the side of the tin to get the electric line through it. Place it on a brick, stone or other non-combustable surface and put the water bell on it. The heat generated by that lightbulb prevents freezing yet isnt hot enough to cause a fire.
@Trux & @MykaMom thanks I want it to be self sufficient for when I’m not there. Hubby is getting a very large pile barn so I get a lot of liberty with my coop and run design. We won’t pay for this exact one because he can build it and save money.

I will be sure to add welded wire as well as look into the electric fences.

@dpenning that is really good odds! We’ve used an auto door in my old coop and they were 95% for getting their feathered butts in my dusk but I’d need to get a new one that runs off solar or batteries. I would need a much higher fence because my 9lb girls can already fly up on to my 7ft privacy fence.

My girls do well with nipple and cup waterers but in the winter I’ll need to figure something more nonpowered for a solution.
The ador door is battery powered, I love mine. You need an electrical genius to figure out if the solar charger for the fence would be enough to power some type of heater for the water. Or rig a solar panel to a car battery and wire the heater to that. Our gate is solar with a car battery.

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