Remedy for avocado poisoning?


16 Years
Aug 14, 2007
Hutchinson, MN
Hi all,

We've got a giant avocado tree, and probably shouldn't even have chickens because of the trouble the avocado causes them.

One of our girls ate a fair amount of a fruit yesterday before we caught it. Today, she's listless, fluffed up, and eyes closed.

Anyone have ideas for any possible remedy? I think it hits their livers.

Possibly Persin poisoning.. It affects their heart and respiratory system - maybe the liver as you've stated but I'd not heard of it. Usual prognosis is 12-24 hours expectancy - maybe she got mostly flesh and avoided very high levels of persin. I don't know that there is a remedy (but could be wrong - not many avocado trees in Virginia and all) but you could call your vet and ask. Pet "poison control" numbers usually cost more than a vet visit and usually end with them telling you to go see a vet anyway..
I think that she might have eaten both flesh and some skin. She is still alive this evening. This happens now and again, a bird looking poorly, and sometimes they bounce back, but one of our cream legbars died after exhibiting symptoms for only half a day.
I'm not an expert on avacado poisoning, but The Merck Veterinary Manual says that they are poisonous in all parts of the avacado. It can damage the heart muscle. As in most toxic plants, it depends on how much was consumed. I also read that most animals will avoid avacado. Hopefully your chicken will recover.
Hi all,

We've got a giant avocado tree, and probably shouldn't even have chickens because of the trouble the avocado causes them.

One of our girls ate a fair amount of a fruit yesterday before we caught it. Today, she's listless, fluffed up, and eyes closed.

Anyone have ideas for any possible remedy? I think it hits their livers.

Did you ever find out what you can do? Mine is weezing and had green poo. Ive put her in the laundry. Im so sad, she is my fave. I messed up so bad

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