Remedy for Picking and Bare Butt Injuries

Smith Hill Cottage

8 Years
Apr 15, 2011
Bare Bottoms on My Beauties and Big Red Roo
In a flock of 25, late November I noticed Big Red butt pecked by hens as they casually passed him in the enclosed yard. Subsequent weeks, 8 hens are bare bottomed; some w/ small "wound" areas. After some observation, it seems that there is no one culprit. For about two weeks at night I have been "nursing" individuals w/ a mix of Desitin, olive oil, Gold Bond medicated powder, Bacitracin or Neosporin on their exposed and red areas. Big Red's condition got so bad that I brought him into a garage pen.
At one time my flock was quite beautiful; now some are looking raggedy. Egg production has been fine. I see no evidence of mites, and keep a clean coop w/ pine shavings, either swept weekly or re-layered w/ clean. I have started adding "electrolyte" mix to water.
This is a mixed flock of Buff Orps, RIReds, Dominiques, Silver Sp. Hamburgs, Americaunas, Black Stars, Blue Lace Wyandotte.
What else can I do?

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