Remember Me? The Dog who Broke in to Sleep with the Chickens?

I needed a good laugh this morning! Thanks
Who would have thought that I would find so many new friends here?

It sounds like we have a lot in common....... doing our daily jobs as Protectors of the Flock.

I'm sooooooo glad to hear that I'm not the only one who was subjected to sharing their family room (ummm, I thought it was MY room, isn't that MY bed that's in there?) with the fuzz butts? And all of a sudden they started giving treats to THEM???? Do they really think that watching chickens eat a piece of spaghetti is funny?

OK, guys (and you kitties, too)....... we need to stick together. My mom and dad think that it's all about the training. They are determined that if they keep 'working' with me, that I'll get even better at this. HUH? Don't they realize how hard I'm already working? Mom even got this book from the library. Hmmmmm...... somehow I don't think this is gonna be a good thing. What do you think? Help me out - can any of you read what this says?


Your Friend,

thats elvis, my english bull terrier...yes a terrier, and a natural fighting dog! so NATURALLY he SHOULD want to eat little baby four week old chickens, right? WRONG!

i was lounging in the backyard last week when i saw my five week old nhr walking around near me. " what the heck?"

so i investigated....yes, elvis had gotten into the pen somehow. i was a little scared, but he was on the far end of the run, and my easter eggers had been scared to the entrance of the coop that he had left open. i shooed them back into the coop and called elvis to "come" and get outta the coop but he wouldnt budge. i tried again and he put his ears down and slunk to the ground. then it dawned on two year old bull terrier ( who is EXTREMELY dog aggressive) was TERRIFIED of my four week old pullets! haha, i had to carry him out, and when i set him down outside of the pen, he booked it around to the side of the house and peeked around the corner for a few minutes to check and see if the coast was clear!
Hello again Sophie!
Oh, our mommy knows that book. Its written by one of her favorite colleagues, Dr. Patricia McConnell!
See, your mom only has the book by a behaviorist--our mom IS an animal behaviorist!
That's how come they were able to adopt me from the military.
That book is not bad Sophie, actually it'll make you feel happy all the time 'cause you know what your parents really want. That way you get more pets and treats!
So don't worry, Sophie--it'll be a good thing

Cherokee and Emma
Hi Sophie, Cherokee, & Emma!

My Mama just got some chicken too! I really like to watch them! If I was loose, and could get in the pen I'd like to chase & play with them, but Mama won't let me.

Enjoy your chickens,

Seamus Liam
West Highland White Terror - Oops i mean Terrier
AWwwww, Sophie - you are a girl after my own heart! and I don't blame you for wanting to spend time in that beautiful garden! I thought you might like to hear this story about my miniature poodle, Miss. B.

It was our scariest chicken day yet - I've only had them a few weeks. I don't know if it was scariest for me, Miss B. or the chickens, but I think it's safe to say we were all rattled afterwards.

We were getting in the car for the drive to school when I heard Miss B. barking in the backyard in the vicinity of the coop. Thinking it might be an invading varmint, I ran back there to see what was up. The chickens had escaped the run and were just outside the fence. Miss B. had them cornered and was barking her head off, while the chickens cowered, huddled together, pressed against the chicken wire.

She could have totally mangled them! But she didn't. Instead she 1) Rounded them up and prevented them from escaping into the backyard 2) Resisted any temptation she might have felt to dig her teeth into them and 3) Warned me by barking. That's my girl!

Thinking back, I had heard Miss B. barking back there for at least 5 minutes before I found this whole scene. I figured she was barking at a squirrel, which wouldn't have been unusual. They say that dogs with a strong "prey drive" shouldn't be around chickens. I'm thinking maybe Miss B.'s is not that strong. Same thing with kittens and skunks --she loves to chase, but won't attack, and is quick to guard my stuff. Anyone trying to pick my purse, shoes or jacket up off the floor is risking her wrath. I hope it's the same for anyone trying to make off with my birds!

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