Reminded why I can't let them free range. 1 hen gone.

No, the hen never did show up. If she had been hiding somewhere, I am sure another predator got her that night.

I still don't think it was the dog, honestly. I know they kill chickens often (I read a lot of those threads on here), but the "attack" happened so quickly... literally just two to three squawks and then it just vanished. And I was out there pretty darned quick. I think I would have at least seen the dog's rear end bounding through the yard. There is so much brush and dried leaves on the ground that I also hear it coming and going. It's a big, jumpy dog. It was totally silent out there until after I got out of the coop to do the head count. Then I saw and heard the dog bounding around.

I know we've got red tail, because I nearly hit one with my car as I was driving my kids home from school back a few weeks ago. All three of us saw the hawk go after something on the side of the road. Then it decided to sweep back around right into my windshield, huge wings spread out. It was a pretty spectacular view, and despite the fact that they kill chickens, I couldn't help but be in a bit of awe over it. The kids were too. That happened just up the road from our property. I totally believe that a hawk was most likely the culprit. I see them on occasion circling above our trees.
Okay, maybe it wasn't the dog, this time, but I'm not convinced. Unfortunately I've seen a lot of livestock killed by dogs (poultry, goats, sheep) and nearly every time it's Huskies. They have a huge prey drive, are not particularly biddable, and don't seem to have any instinct to protect livestock at all. I would keep a close eye on him if I were you.
A hawk killed one of our chickens once and our dog stood on guard for three days afterward. Our dog was absolutely aware of the threat posed and was protecting her birds. It was pretty amazing to see her instincts kick in.


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