Remove spurs by cutting vs twisting.

I dont understand why. You said they were 1 inch. How is that an issue? My older roosters spurs are at over 3 inches and curve up to almost his legs. If they ever start to impact his legs I'll intervene, but unless that happens I see no reason to do anything. Chickens do pretty well when simply provided with food and shelter. I think people make things harder than they need to be. (Sorry if I'm being rude. I'm just in one of those moods. I meant no offense)
He refuses to hold still for pictures. After chasing him around a juniper for what seemed like forever this was the best I could do, but you get the idea. It's natural and generally causes no harm.
I try to keep them trimmed so my hens, and me and the kids, don't get cut up from them. White leghorn roosters can be a bit unpredictable. I've had mean ones and I've had nice ones. No offense taken here.

He is doing better with it today. Still looks like raw skin though. I'll probably be sticking with the dog clippers and just nip the end off every once in a while. If they ever get up to 3" in length, I may either cut off the spur or twist it off.
How much do they get shorter when you do it? You can see in my pic that it was only a hair in this case.
I'll have to show you, I have an OEGB rooster that has fast growing spurs, & had his removed like 4 times, so far they've remained about an inch long since the last pulling.

I'll get pictures of his tomorrow if I have the time.
I'll have to show you, I have an OEGB rooster that has fast growing spurs, & had his removed like 4 times, so far they've remained about an inch long since the last pulling.

I'll get pictures of his tomorrow if I have the time.

What I mean is, if the spur is 2" long and you pull off the sheath, how long is the raw spur now? 1", 1.5", 1.9"?

Basically I figured the spur would get a lot shorter by pulling it off, but not even close in my case. Instead of my usual clipping 1/8" off, I though maybe 1/2" or so would come off by doing that.
What I mean is, if the spur is 2" long and you pull off the sheath, how long is the raw spur now? 1", 1.5", 1.9"?

Basically I figured the spur would get a lot shorter by pulling it off, but not even close in my case. Instead of my usual clipping 1/8" off, I though maybe 1/2" or so would come off by doing that.
Every rooster has a different length quick, under the spur. So giving an exact measurement isn't easy.

I have a rooster that has a quick that meets at the point of the spur, so if clipped I have to wrap, otherwise he'll bleed puddles.

I have a rooster with super short quicks, & I can trim down to about 1.5 inches before hitting the quick.

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