Reports of Salmonella Outbreaks?


7 Years
Aug 2, 2016
Spring Branch, TX
I was wondering if anyone in the Texas area has heard of reports of salmonella in migratory birds infecting backyard chickens. I read on a local neighborhood site that pine siskens and cedar waxwings are being found dead in this area and salmonella is the cause, but cannot verify the accuracy of this report. It is impossible to prevent these birds from entering our property as we have cedar everywhere and abundant natural sources of seeds for wild birds to feed on as we are in a rural environment. (We don’t put out feeders) Was just wondering if anyone in this area has heard anything. (I did read a report out of CA that said they are having this issue with pine siskens, and that there were many deaths in bird populations in that state. We’re in a different migration path, so fingers crossed!)
I haven't heard about any salmonella reports in migratory birds so far. We did have pine siskin and goldfinch deaths during our recent "Big Texas Freeze Out". I'm wondering if folks are just now finding bodies from the freeze, although the birds would likely have been eaten by something already. Are these reports confirmed with testing? TPWD would be a good source to ask.

We are also on acreage in a rural location, and engage in wildlife management, specifically for neotropical migrants, upland game birds and native songbirds. Our feeders are all down right now, a fallout from all the trees that crashed in the Big Texas Freeze Out. Thanks for the (possible) heads up and I'll keep eyes/ears open.
Thanks for your reply! The original post I read quoted the Kendalia Wildlife Rescue, located up by Kerrville. I haven’t confirmed that source, but will be calling them Monday. We found several birds that I believe died from the freeze but found another dead pine sisken this morning. Not much I can do if it’s salmonella...our chickens free range and I can’t keep songbirds out. No feeders, no birdbaths, etc. I’ll report back if I hear anything pertaining to our area.
Hi, I found one of these birds dead in my backyard yesterday (seemed like it had recently died not due to the freeze here in Austin) Other neighbors have been finding them dead also. Recently got some backyard chickens and let them free range so slightly concerned for their health and wondering what to do to keep them healthy/safe.
I found some additional information on salmonella outbreaks in pine siskens in Texas:
It appears there is an outbreak in our area as well as in many other states this year. Still researching impact on domestic chicken flocks. Not sure there’s much we can do to protect our flocks other than try to keep songbirds out of our yards.
I found this article from a few years back, it talks about what to do to continue letting your flock free-range and it just says the same thing - keeping the coop clean and trying to keep wild birds out.

Most articles explain how to keep salmonella transmission from chicken to human, but not much from the wild birds to chickens. Still, debating if I should continue to let my flock free range or keep them in their coop/run for a bit?
I found this article from a few years back, it talks about what to do to continue letting your flock free-range and it just says the same thing - keeping the coop clean and trying to keep wild birds out.

Most articles explain how to keep salmonella transmission from chicken to human, but not much from the wild birds to chickens. Still, debating if I should continue to let my flock free range or keep them in their coop/run for a bit?
That‘s a tough call. I am continuing to let mine free range as they seem to be free ranging in areas that the birds don’t frequent. If I find another dead pine sisken, that may change. The number of siskens in my yard seems to have dropped over night. I still hear flocks of wax-wings in the cedars so that’s a concern. If you’re in Austin and have neighbors near by, they could have feeders out that draw the birds into your area. I would look at your environment and situation and make that call.
I’m still hopeful some of the deaths occurring in our area are due to birds weakened by the brutal freeze. If I find another dead bird, I plan to send it in for necropsy to rule out salmonella. I’ll continue to update if I hear anything.
Continued to let my chickens free range in our backyard. We haven't found any new dead birds which is good and chickens seem happy and healthy!
Same in our area. Not sure if it’s because there was none, or because the flocks have moved off, but either way, all seems fine in our part of the country for now. Will be watching closely when those siskens migrate back this way, though!

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