Repriductive behavior for 4-h book

You have time to figure that out. Isolate hen from rooster for a couple days and baby her with treats. Record roosters and hens behavior during this time. Then release hen with rooster and write what you observe. Get a book concerning chicken behavior, read descriptions and put proper names down for them. You should be able to get a good feel for what goes in with respect to mating sequence and may get lucky seeing nest site selection efforts by rooster.

Silkies probly the worst breed for some of what you are interested in.
I would effort to describe sequence of behaviors associated with reproduction. There is more than rooster topping hens and hens laying eggs, lots more. You describe what you see making photographs as you go. Look into accounts written by others to provide guidance in the proper terminology to use. Go to a book store or library and find a text concerning backyard chickens and / or poultry management. Mine the internet for quality images if you come up short on that can generate and be careful to properly cite sources if used. Put effort into the writing which means proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. I am not a good example on latter points. I am assuming you will be doing this for 2014.

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